bully's?(not to you but to friends)

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Pennywise (⚠️metion of r@p3)
"What's bugging you y/n?"
"..what the hell did he do?"
He sounded kinda mad about it
"I think he r@p3d one of my friends.."
"What's their name?"
"Her name is beverly, Beverly Marsh"
"..how do you know?"
"Well we were at the lake trying to help this quiet kid."
"And he looked at her then said 'you losers are trying to hard. She'll do you' then he grabbed himself and then said 'you just got to ask nicely'"
You finished.
"Is it Henry bowers?"
"Stay here I need to do something"
"Okay bye!"
"What's going on kid?"
"There is this kid and he's has been bullying my bf(best friend)!"
"Want him dead?"
"Very much so!"
"Where dose he live kiddo?"
"Elm street and his add is ***"
"Alright I'll be back"
"Okay bye imma get some real sleep"
(Sorry that was short)
Billy and stu
(Italic stands for billy and bold stands for stu)
"Why so mad kiddo?"
"There is this girl and she won't leave me and b/f/n(best friend name) alone!"
"Yes and I told her to stop but she just pushed me to the ground!"
"You guys okay?"
"Yeah we are fine!"
"Totally normal"
"Alright if you say so"
"Do you know where she is?"
"Yeah she's at the candy store"
"Well bye guys!"
"Bye bye"
Let's just say nobody else saw her ever again.
⚠️Mention of "go kys" aka k!// Yourself⚠️

"My dear what bothers you?"
"Well this girl named Jessica told my b/f/n to so k!// Herself..!"
"Oh dear.. why would she say that?"
"I don't know she's like 'popular' or something"
"Oh well that should not matter if she is or not wither she is the principal's daughter or a daughter of a teacher it should not matter dear"
"Has she said anything to you?"
"No just to b/f/n"
"Alright would you like to talk about it more?"
"Yeah that would help"
(After you talk about it)
"Thanks for helping me out han"
"It's no problem dear now run a long"
(You kinda live/work at the hotel)
⚠️ Racism/homophobia ⚠️
"Shut it blackie!"
"Hey leave her alone and don't make fun of her skin tone that is my bf!!"
"What ever f@&&0t!"
"Who w-was that y-y/n?"
"Oh just a little selfish prick"
You bf was crying
"Hey b/f/n it's okay he's just a freaking stuck up snob of a human don't worry about him and I think all black people are great people!"
She stopped crying and hugged you as you hugged back noman had whispered something in your ear
"Want m-me to t-take care o-of them?"
"If you mean kick them out then yes"
"A-alright!" But Norman wasn't going to only kick him out🙂
A/n I think all people small tall big thin black mixed Asian Chinese all of them are beautiful ❤️❤️ I love people like them! Please don't hate black people we need our world to be a better place an if you are racist and homophobic and transphobic please leave and never come back🖤
And 554 words

slasher x Child/Teen Y/n {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now