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I'm not sure how long it's been.

When I woke up, I was in the rubble of an explosion. Alone.

If there had been people with me, they'd either died in the explosion or abandoned me.

I don't know who I am.

All I know is that I have dark skin. Dirty, dark skin. I can feel horns on my head as well... and I have a green tail.

I have broken, red-framed glasses. When I hold them to my eyes, I can see the normally-blurry distance.

There's a cage-like dome over this place, and a large destroyed structure.

There's other destroyed buildings as well... I can't tell what they are.

I know I've been surviving in this place for a while.

But I feel like I'm running out of energy.

I'm not sure what kind of energy... It's not sleep. Almost all I do here is sleep. That, and search the rubble for any other survivors.

It won't be long now... I'll fall asleep and I don't think I'll wake up again unless I can find this mysterious energy.


Who said that? Is that my name?


Everything goes dark.


I can't see anything.

There's darkness all around me... I feel some kind of metal.

"Why are you worried about him after what he's done?"

A masculine voice. Unfamiliar.

"Because he still deserves to be happy, don't you think?"

A deeper masculine voice. Also unfamiliar.

"Tiro, you're too soft."

A female voice. Not familiar, but based on the subtle tuning I can hear in her voice, it seems that she's like me.

Are they talking about me? Who are they...

"I'm not soft. He did a data wipe to save us, remember? He probably can't even remember us. He definitely can't remember that he did anything wrong."

".....I suppose you're right. But just because he doesn't remember it doesn't mean he didn't do it."

They're talking about me—

My vision fades into colors. The sounds of their voices quiet into nothing.

Shapes appear before my eyes.

I see Master, dead.

I see blood, I see red.

It's all blurry, but I can feel the tears streaming down my face.

Moments later, I'm snapped back to reality by the sound of an opening door.

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