bonten takemichi au ver 1

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 sooooooooooooooo i strayed A LOT from the original prompt I was given by but tbh i kinda like it so here ya go)

Getting kidnapped was not a part of my bucket list of things to do before you die but of course life threw that out of the window and said fuck it and just threw me at some traumatic experience ... yea... obviously life doesn't know who I am because after time traveling a bunch of times my sanity level went plthh ... so obviously it wasn't traumatic ... for me ...... for the kidnappers thats a whole other story.

After koko and sanzu kidnapped him

3rd pov

Takemichi was sitting there not moving, hands tied, and face covered in a BREATHABLE bag. Koko stared for a long time before turning to sanzu. "Hey, did you kill him, the boss said alive!?" sanzu who was driving (bad idea) looked at him with a "are you shitting me look" which koko just looked back with a "yes" sanzu finally replied "no I didn't why?" koko rolled his eyes "maybe because he isn't moving SANZU!?" then they heard a scream "AHHHHHHH" koko jumped and screamed too while sanzu just jumped but tried to hide it (very bad may i add) before coming back to his senses. They heard laughter coming from no other than...

Takemichi's pov

I was laughing honestly kidnappers are stupidly smart.... At times today is not one of them. Once I stopped laughing I untied my hands *a trick I learned from kie) and took off the very bland bag off my head. I was surprised to see koko, cause he was always smarter then me, but when I saw his face I just couldn't keep it i. I laughed and then the car stopped. I stopped laughing and saw that the guy who was driving was gone. I looked at the back doors and saw it opening. When it finally opened, I squinted at the face and recognized the scars "your senju's psychotic brother!?" he looked hurt. I looked at koko and saw him holding in his laughter but failed to do so, I mean its koko come on (no hate on koko) I stood up and went to the drivers seat, him alarmed tried to stop me but failed to do so. I started the car and he fell back and yelled at koko, but koko was MY childhood friend so he just watched amused. When we arrived at their base their eyes widened. I rolled my eyes "I live with noato." they stared at me blankly "he's a police officer." ... "he and i knew where you guys are so I got kidnapped on purpose" they nodded then did a double take. Scar face spoke "what..... Whatever we'l just get rid of you m-" "MIKEY~KUN where are youuuuu." they started at me I internally groaned "mikey get your depressed ass over here." that seemed to do the trick because he came out visibly pissed. "What the hell is going on!?" he glared at koko and psycho scars then looked at me "he's supposed to be asleep & tied up." I intervened " I'm just built different so it didn't work." koko looked like he was about to burs, psycho scars was displeased and mikey looked annoyed. "Look can we get to the point I have a bakery to prepare." they stared "stop starin and go inside." I was starting to get pissed but one look at mikey and I knew that I have to save him. What I'm saving from is something I intend to find out

Thank you for reading ttyl Anna out with another chapter :)

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