Fifth Story

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"What do you mean, I don't understand," Gwen mumbled.

"Well," No. 6 responded, "we know you went to Sunday school at some point, and have been taught this. Rejoice, you were chosen."

"Chosen for what?" Gwen jumped to her feet.

"Just chosen. How lucky are you?" No. 1 joined the conversation. "Why aren't you happy?"

"Is this improv? Is it?" She looked around for a telltale glance. "Are we veering off the Greek tragedy sensibility and venturing into the fantasy genre?"

"Gwen," No. 4 approached her, with his usual kindness. "Please believe them. They are telling you the truth. Don't you wonder how this," he gestured broadly towards the surroundings, "all of this, is even possible?"

"Of course I wonder! That doesn't mean I'm going to entertain preposterous beliefs to fill in the gaps."

"Preposterous? Isn't this your faith?"

"The Revelation is supposed to be allegorical, not literal."

"And you are so sure of this because, what, you're educated?" No. 7 mocked.

"For one, there's no way y'all are angels."

No. 3 stood up and left, visibly offended.

"See what you did?" No. 8 whispered in a dry tone. "You should apologize. You were inexcusably rude, especially under the circumstances. Don't you understand how blessed you are?"

"For being one of the chosen, you mean?"

"Well, yeah."

"And this is what, heaven?"

"Not exactly. See, during the first half of the Rapture we just get people to a safe location."

"And here, in the middle of nowhere, with no food, water or ways to call for help, this is my safe house?"

"Precisely. Nobody will look for you here, and besides, who is going to do you harm when there are seven angels guarding you?"

Gwen decided to play along. If this was improv, and goodness knows the numbers liked to throw in a surprise here and there, she didn't want to be a stick in the mud.

"So, you are angels, then."

"Humans like to call us that," No. 4 nodded. "It's complicated."

"Isn't it always?" Gwen retorted. "Aren't you supposed to have wings, or superpowers or something?"

"Aah, humans! They are nothing if not creative! The details you can spin out of fragments of information! It's a pleasure to watch."

"So, what am I, the 'chosen', supposed to do now?" Gwen assumed her role in all seriousness.

"Saying thank you would be nice," No. 8 suggested.

"But what about the others? What happened to the other people?" Gwen faked concern, convinced as she was of the farcical aspect of this scene.

"We were assigned to you," No. 3 responded. "This place is completely isolated from common reality, and we're not supposed to leave your side, not while you're here. We don't know what has happened down below."

"Oh, so we're 'above' now, then?" Gwen embroidered on his theme.

"Above is relative," he answered, "the number of layers is infinite, but yes, you're above where you were before, at least symbolically."

"What does that even mean?"

"Don't worry about it. What's important is you are safe, here, with us."

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