Where are you?

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Sighing, I look around, probably not a visit from my ghost friend today. Maybe getting past his birthday was stupid.

I shouldn't take advantage of this thing .. but it was too tempting and it was really just that information!

I respect his privacy .. I don't use it. But I wanted to make him happy while I know how much he hates it when you sniff around in private matters from him.

Most of all, I'm just sitting nervously in the classroom with my best friend and can't get my food down.

If I had never interfered with his feelings, then our relationship would certainly be completely normal. Even if I don't feel good ... But he would feel safe.

Hanako what do you wish for?

"Nene?" I smile at Aoi "Yes?"

She giggles slightly. "Are you in love?"

Startled, I look at my mischievous friend. "N-no" I turn aside, embarrassed.

"How did you come to this?" Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and look briefly at the person.

Hanako? What is he doing here? He usually never shows up at mealtimes!

He clearly seems to notice my shocked look and starts to grin. "Are you talking about something perverse?" he then asks me.

My eyes quickly fall back to Aoi as she starts to talk. "Well .. you've been so dreamy the last few days. It doesn't matter how many people we are with or where we are. You always seem to be on the same topic and your eyes glitter longingly."

I swallow. Yes, I think a lot about Hanako, I worry and think about how I can cheer him up. But I did the same with Kou! But Hanako has more problems than Kou.

"So .. am I just worried?" I mumble nervously. But for my friend this is actually just a confirmation that she is correct. I am only unsure about the uninvited visitor behind me.

I really feel like it's a huge Dejavue. Hasn't she asked me that lately?

"Well no matter!" I take something out of my bento and eat it. It's good that I get up early in the morning!

"Yashiro" I look innocently at Hanako with the chopsticks in my mouth. "Yas?"

He opens his mouth slightly but then shakes his head. "I just wanted to check on you. See you later!"

And then he disappears and a little friend stays here. What was that supposed to mean now? I swallow the food.

"Nene!" Now my gaze falls back to Aoi. "May I try it?" She grins and points to my food. She's used to my strange behavior by now.

I agree. Because I feel sick. I'll probably get sick too. I hope it will not become worse.

"Hmh ~ that's really delicious!" I giggle. "You are welcome to have it" without asking my friend nods and eats it. If I think of him again now, does he appear again?

Since Aoi has taken my box, I lay down with my arms. I gently place my head there.

Sometimes I think about cutting my hair off, but it would be a shame. All the work for nothing. Still, they are unwieldy.

I close my eyes a little and enjoy the brief silence that spreads within me. Shortly afterwards that means getting ready for class again and trying to take part. My grades keep falling.

I also see in the corner of my eye that I would be watched more often by the teachers. Which probably means that I am more conspicuous in terms of behavior. I hope there won't be a conversation.


After class, I say goodbye to Aoi and go to the old building. Let's see how Amane is today. I feel like it's just a matter of luck every day. Sometimes it's good and sometimes you don't know what to do yourself.

This time I knock and only then come into the bathroom. "Hello!" I smile but stop when I realize that no one is there.

"Huh?" I turn around and see Kou. I smile happily. "Hey!" He smiles too.

"Where's Hanako?" He asks me and I shrug my shoulders.

Since something similar was already the case, we both start to roughly search the bathroom to see if there is a note somewhere. But nothing. Strange .. in the classroom everything seemed ok. He even said see you later .. what if something happened?

"Hm .. is that my fault?" I breathe softly. I feel someone caressing my back. "Certainly not Senpai! We'll find him!"

We think about it for a moment and Kou claps his hands. "I'm going to ask the spider, you stay here in case he shows up" I just nod briefly in agreement.

Then I sit down on the place where Hanako usually makes himself comfortable with because Mokke.

I start to hum quietly and wiggle my legs. My view goes through the room. That he is here almost every day .. I imagine that is terrible.

I am slightly startled when I notice that the door has disappeared. Or am I completely crazy now. Immediately I get up and go to the wall. I put my hand on it. Ice cold and above all solid. This is really a wall.

Fear arises in me. "H-Hello?" Nobody answers me and I have to swallow.

"That's not funny .." shouldn't that be Hanako's area? .. Nothing should happen here.

But one thing only strikes me now .. Hanako always says this is his area, but there is never water here. What does his real boundary mean, is where else.

Somebody grabs my hand and covers my eyes. "What?" I breathe.

I desperately try to defend myself, but this person is much stronger. So it just takes me somewhere .. After a few steps the air gets colder and I can feel water on my feet. I just really got kidnapped.

I sob softly. I would not like to. But now the tears just run down my cheeks.

The person behind me takes a startled breath. "I'm sorry .." Immediately I recognize the voice and tear myself away.

"What's that supposed to be? Don't scare me, Amane!" How can you be such an idiot ?!

He nervously plays with his clothes. "Well .. nobody should know my boundary where it is .. otherwise it could be dangerous," he admits.

Okey .. here I understand that he doesn't want to tell us but .. "Next time you just ask me to close my eyes okay?" He nods apologetically. "Promised"

I sigh in relief. "So .. what was that supposed to mean?" I hope he has a good explanation for this theater.

Hello! I'll be back again :D

Q: What do you think of the new chapter? [83]
A: Teru.. i hope you ekkdkd


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