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Layla keating is a very a uptight human being who likes everything too be perfect, she's very smart has straight a's and has no time for a boyfriends or friends for that matter except for 1 Olivia Baker. Layla is class president and in charge of class council. She loves watching tv and people thinks she likes reading because she's a "nerd" but she's not a nerd at all just a very uptight person who doesn't like doing anything that's fun but the girl hates books. Jordan Baker is the topical jock who's captain of the football team and the quarterback, he doesn't care about anything but football and his family. He has bad grades so the coach who happens to be his dad threatens to kicks him off the football team if he grades don't go up. Jordan thinks his being unfair, the only options are get kicked off the team or get tutored. He obviously chooses getting tutored and Layla is the one who has to tutor him and she's not happy about it.

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