The Dream

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Once upon a time there lived a kid named Johnson, he even had a elder brother named Jake. Jake was in 10th STD, and Johnson in 2nd STD. Johnson wanted to go in army, and wated to become a soldier. One day Johnson and his friends were deciding what to play, then Johnson suggested to play army army, first all his friends said no, but after some time they had no option except army army, so they started playing, everybody got a chance to become a army officer and now it was Johnson's chance to become a army officer, but every body's mother's were calling them and they all went to home and because of that Johnson didn't get  chance to become a army officer. Then with his sad face he went to home too. While he and his family was having there dinner, his mother and his father were discussing about, in which college should they take admission for Jake. Even Jake was thinking about getting into army so he told his father about that idea and they both accepted it, and now Jake was staying in the hostel...

Now Johnson was in 6th STD, and he thought its the perfect time to tell his parents that even he wanted to go in army, then his father replies, "First you need to study well and then we will take the admission in the army college, ok, now go and sleep". When Johnson goes to sleep he decides that "from now on i am going to wake up early morning every day and study as much as he can". He wakes up early as he decided last night and studies a lot. After his 4 years of hard work he finally attempted for the army college entrance exam and gets passed by 100%.

Now as Johnson was practicing hard to get in the army, and even his brother now was a army officer. After a few attempts Johnson joint the army too. 

(here is the twist)                                                                                                                                                                    He hears something like wake up wake up don't you want to go to school, come get up, then he understands that this all was just a dream and he decides to make up this dream come true. He starts  studying and becomes a student of the army college, at the time he was getting his training, his brother writes a letter to Johnson that he urgently needed to go for a mission. Now Johnson was in army and he heard that his brother Jake wasn't alive anymore but, the mission was successful. Johnson cried for 2 whole days and he decided that now I will take the revenge, he goes for a mission and came back safe, now he was a 5 star army officer and and a part of special force. Now every one was happy and like that the happy ending took the place....

                                                                  Happy Ending 

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