Chapter 25

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My phone buzzed on the table where I was checking mails on my laptop. After coming from lunch and a really tiring convincing session later my parents dozed off for an afternoon nap, while I made some tea and caught up on my work. I opened my messages to see Abeer's text.

Abeer- Aren't you coming down? I am waiting;)

I looked outside the window to see it was turning dark. My eyes widened as I read the text again. He was downstairs, waiting for me? Even after last night's fiasco! I shook my head and grinned as I replied to him.

Aashi- You were serious?

He replied within a minute.

Abeer- Yes, of course I was. I wouldn't miss the chance of having you sneak out of the house to see me ;)

I let out an involuntary laugh and stood up to check on my parents' room. Mom was still fast asleep, tired from the day's exhaustion while father was nowhere to be seen. I didn't think for another minute. I had to tell him about today's arranged marriage episode as well. And he was here for me, to make my birthday count.

Aashi- Coming!

He was standing in my parking spot on the market road a few feet away from my building, leaning against his bike, running his hand through his hair. My insides turned gooey at the sight of him. I walked faster towards him and tapped on his shoulder. He turned and bestowed his heart stopping smile on me. But something about his face was very off. My brows furrowed.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

He shook his head and asked, "How was your birthday, Aash?"

I scrunched my nose. "Aash? What's that?"

"Abbreviation of your name," he replied as if he was explaining it to a child and casually shrugged his shoulders.

"But why are you calling me that? My name's just fine," I continued frowning.

"Consider it another birthday gift," he rolled his eyes, exasperated.

"I most graciously decline it." I offered a tight-lipped sarcastic smile. That always drove him crazy. I suppressed a giggle and continued. "Plus, I'm not 'Aash', Abeer. It doesn't suit me," I crossed my arms against my chest and I was sure I looked like a spoiled child throwing a silly tantrum.

"Come on yaar Aashi, you don't let me call you baby, jaan, anything. At least compromise with your name" he glared at me. A very cute glare that I did not want disappearing from his face anytime soon.

"Not until you find an appropriate nickname which suits me." I shook my head and he rolled his eyes again. He raised his hands up. "I give up."

I laughed. It was this banter that I loved the most about us. And the searingly electric chemistry, of course. His eyes sparkled at my laugh after which they dimmed to their earlier tiredness.

"Don't change the topic. What's troubling you?"

He waived my statement away. "It's nothing much."

It was my turn to glare at him. "Tell me or I'm leaving."

"Fine," he sighed. "It's about the job. It's just stressing me out a lot. My boss is the worst version of Mr. Chaudhary. Chaudhary seems like a cute puppy in front of him. This guy is a total Satan. He can't speak at a low frequency. Everything's got to be loud with him. And his eyes are always bloodshot red, as if he doesn't sleep at all. Everyone calls him mogambo back in the office. And God today I disagreed with his idea and..." Abeer went on rambling about his heinous, supposedly non-human boss. But all I could see was a tired man trying to cover it up by silly humor. Tired because of the stressful job, yes, but also because of the months that had gone by in the lawsuit, the news surrounding his family, Taira's father, everything.

My heart went out to him. I wanted to ask him then. Why did he push himself so much, go beyond limits for me? But I didn't. Because deep down, I knew why. And that thought warmed my heart. I decided against telling him about Dhruv right away. He was pressured much already. I will tell him, when I solve the entire shit out. So I remained silent and heard him out, his sounding board.

"...and the..." he suddenly paused in his rant and stared at me. Hard.

"And what?" I asked.

"You're listening to me," he stated, still staring at me.

"Of course I am. What else I would be doing?" I chuckled and looked into his eyes.

"I love you," he murmured lowly, words only meant for my ears. Warmth spread through my being as I flashed him a slow, lazy smile.

When he was about to hug me, I caught a familiar figure swinging a very familiar vegetable bag, walking towards our direction. My eyes widened in panic. I pushed away from the bike and stood a feet away from Abeer, who was looking at me questioningly. I tried to find ways to escape from there without being seen, but it was too late as he walked and stood in front of me.

"What are you doing here, beta? Who is this boy?" My father stretched his eyebrow in a way that made my blood freeze.

"He...err...he is an employee of another firm we're partnering with for a joint project. We're working together. He was supposed to send me some papers regarding the project, so he's here to give me those." I mentally patted myself for my lie-generating skills.

"Oh, so..." he looked at us questioningly.


"Where are the papers?"

This was the moment I was disowned by father, my family and my whole lineage.

"Good evening sir, it actually so happened that the printer back at the office wasn't working, which is why I was briefing Aashi... no, sorry Ms. Singhania about the details," he spoke clearly and looked at me from the corner of his eyes. I ignored him and stared straight ahead.

This isn't the time for humor Abeer. If only he gets to know and calls up his brothers, you would be dead meat tomorrow morning.

I decided to take it from there on. "So...we're done here?" I said, looking at Abeer. "You will forward me the remaining details on email by tonight?"

"Yes, I have relayed the confidential bits of the project. I'll send the remaining details tonight." He said, nodding vigorously.

"You could've got print of the details outside as well. Do your work properly, beta, the job market isn't very good these days."

"Yes sir, you're right. I'll keep in mind from next time." Abeer pretended sincerity.

My father nodded and rearranged his bags. "I'm going up, okay. Come when you're done."

"No papa, we're done. I'm coming," I nodded at my father. Wishing a quick bye I followed my father to the building.

When I sneaked a glance back, Abeer winked and smiled while wearing his helmet.

I quietly giggled and hurried behind my father.


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