Prologue - "Dark Conflict"

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1 year later during the Corporate War..
November 10, 2016

Daniel: We were devastated by them. We lost an entire city and many people. And here we are... Fighting against their atrocities.

A green cloud from a bio-weapon that exploded comes out.

People in the city are turned into flesh-eating monsters.
Then, the corporate army took over the city, and containing some districts from infection successfully.

Daniel: This was not the first time we was devastated by something otherworldly worse. They were testing further from their experiments for psychic warfare..

The Homunculi roars out, liquifying the victims who stared on its face from their screens.

Daniel: Like a curse... Bound by their blood.

-Wattpad presents-
In respect and credit to Yen Press, Asari Endo, Pochi Edoya, Maruino, Sierra Games, Warner Brothers, and Monolith Studios

*drone flying*

A drone flies over the ocean, anti-naval cannons are firing at the JSDF-US force fleet.


Daniel leads a squad from an amphibious lander.

Daniel: Soldiers, today we are fighting against corporate conglomerate mercenaries and clone soldiers. They have state-of-the-art arsenal and advanced technology, trained by the elite corporate private military. And for second: they want your blood and the civies blood they slaughtered in their hands. We invade and land on a beach, against corporate-occupied territory in the name of ending the war. Brace and steel yourselves, for this is the new age of combat.

- F.3.A.R. Elite - First Encounter Assault Reconnaissance Elite 3 -

All of the US soldiers ready their guns, as the amphibious lander drops the ramp. Emplacement machine guns are firing at the balconies.

*gunfire noises*

Daniel: We need you to protect our neighboring countries and our liberty. I expect for all of you to succeed in your objectives. Get ready!
In 5..4..3..2..1..Move!

One of the USMC Elite Soldiers, Lieutenant Drake, follows Daniel.

Daniel: Drake, take cover!

As Drake took cover, Daniel shot down corporate soldiers with an assault rifle. Drake took down a few.

They made their way through shoreline, as a battle tank moves over.

Suddenly, a missile hits the tank. Daniel and the Navy Seals focus fire on the soldiers firing from the stairs.

Going through the stairs, Drake brings out a military tablet device and operates a UGV drone to clear the way.

Daniel: We need to clear the way. Drake, clear the path for us.



Corporate soldiers gather for a defense, the drone spins up the gatling gun and fires at them.


At the moment it reaches the stairs, rockets were fired from the balcony. It disabled and destroyed the drone.

Daniel: Drone's down, but that was some good shooting. Let's move and find VIP protection team Delta.

Mimori calls to Daniel in the radio.

Mimori (Radio): Daniel, what's your sitrep, over?
Daniel: We're on the move to find Delta team.
Mimori (Radio): Affirmative. We've confirmed the reports from the Intel team, they've identified the group who attacked the presidential meeting. It was TETRACORP themselves, they were the ones who kidnapped the Vice President in the Asian Peace Summit.
Daniel: Copy. We'll be en route to Delta team, unless we take out their defenses first.

Making their way inside a resort hotel building, a corporate soldier ambushes Daniel in CQC. Drake manages to punch the enemy three times, and give him a headbutt. Daniel stabs the corporate soldier with the combat knife.

They meet two Navy Seal Soldiers.

Daniel: Is Delta team still in there?
US Navy Seal Soldier 1: I don't know. We've lost contact with them when the attack began..There are many of them in this next room.
Daniel: Stack up and prepare to breach!

The Navy Seal Soldier plants a Breaching Charge on the door. It detonated, tearing the door down to bits.

At the other side leading to the terrace deck, Corporate soldiers fire at them as they also returned fire.

Making their way to the second part of the terrace, Daniel orders Drake to call in a Paragon Cruise Missile to destroy the wall.

Daniel: Drake, use your military tablet to call in a Paragon Missile and take out the wall so the JSDF and the US Forces can pass through. Everyone, stand back!

Drake operates the tablet. The Cruise Missile flies into the blockade wall, destroying it to small bits of debris.

Drake: Blockade destroyed.

A military humvee arrives. Johann is driving the humvee. Daniel and Drake enter the vehicle.
Speeding up, more of the enemy resistance appears. Drake took down a few corporate soldiers, as they got away fast.

An enemy attack helicopter appears. Drake shot the cockpit of the helicopter, which kills the pilots inside. The helicopter crashed beside the tunnel as they passed through quickly.

A broken bridge is up ahead. Johann is speeding up the humvee.

Daniel: S***, the bridge is out! Hit the brakes, now!
Johann: Hold on! Making a jump!
Daniel: You're crazy!

The humvee jumps over and lands on the other side. They reached the compound for the Asian Peace Summit, and left the vehicle.

Johann plants a C4 charge on the anti-air SAM vehicle and detonated it.

They go inside and stormed the resort which is the summit for Asian Peace, with a few more allied soldiers engaged against the corporate forces.

Mimori calls in.

Mimori (Radio): Daniel, Johann, we can't send in reinforcements or a helicopter unless you take out another anti-air.
Daniel: Copy that. We'll take out the anti-air first before we rescue them.

Johann spots an anti-air SAM vehicle on a very large balcony area.

Johann: D, right there. On the balcony.
Daniel: Drake, there's a rocket launcher on the munitions crate. Use it and take out the AA.

Drake fires the rocket launcher at the SAM vehicle, the SAM is destroyed.

Daniel: Good work. Let's find Delta team and the vice president.

Arriving at the conference room in the fourth floor, they stack up and prepare to breach.

A US soldier planted a breaching charge, and detonated it.

Breaching inside, they eliminate the hostage takers.

Delta team and the Japanese Vice President were freed from the enemy. A helicopter comes in to rescue them.

Johann, and the Vice President went first. Before Daniel and Drake boarded the helicopter, an ambush ensues, injuring a few US soldiers.

A rocket was fired, but missed the helicopter as it left quickly.

Johann (Radio): D!
Daniel: Johann, wave off! We'll meet you back at the city! Drake, you're with me! We gotta go!
Mimori (Radio): There's a vehicle on the back parking lot, get there as fast as you can before more show up.

Fighting their way to the back parking lot, an unusual military humvee appears. The roof has a foldable crane with a 360-degree view FLIR camera and weapons turret supporting two types of arsenal.

They start it and escape with it.

F.3.A.R. Elite - First Encounter Assault Reconnaissance Elite 3 Where stories live. Discover now