─ʚ 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 02

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Pairing : Kokonoi, Manjiro, Takeomi


His fingers swipe through the money as he count all of it. Sometimes, he would lick the tip of his finger to make it easier for him. Takeomi grab a mug of coffee that he prepared for both of him and koko, just to noticed that koko's coffee left untouched by him. "Won't you take a sip-?" Takeomi ask as he take his final sip on his coffee. Koko shakes his head as he type the total of money that he just finished counting into his laptop. He smirk as he notice that their business is rising abruptly

"Good job, koko" Mikey say as he reread the report that koko had been doing ever since yesterday morning. Koko just nod his head as he felt his shoulder feel heavy. Same with his eyelids. "I know you are tired. Go rest" mikey say as he walk past him, making him only humming since he's very tired to answer his leader's words.

Exiting the hideout, he glances at a certain flower shop that he often visit. Buying the usual flower that he bought for 'her', he exit the shop as he walk toward a certain graveyard. Seeing a certain tombstone, he smile seeing it still cleaned and sparkling like before. "Akane Inui"

You were reading a romance novel right after you done cleaning your house. You didn't mind it at all if koko didn't return home on time since you know what is he doing. But sometimes, it's hurt.

"I'm home" he say as he take off his shoes. You run to the front door only to stumbled and lucky for you, he catch you. "Careful there, doll" he say as he successfully catch you in his arms. He smirk upon seeing your red face when he called you using those nickname. When he want to take a step forward, his knees buckled up, making both of you fall onto the floor

"Koko-?!" You shout, making sure if he have any injuries just to see that he's healthy. And you know what's wrong with him when you heard snoring sound coming from him. "Don't tell me you overwork.." You mumble but he just answer you with incoherent words like a baby, making you smile. Sitting up while you're embracing him, you lean to the wall and let him sleep in your arms.

Suddenly he stir a little as his grip on your clothes tighten. "Koko, are you having a bad dream..?" You ask as his frowning face turn into a giddy smile as he snuggle into your chest

"Miss you, (y/n)"



He don't know what to say and he decided to show you his younger self. His dark gaze won't shift away from all of those corpses but his gaze shifted, when his phone vibrated. Opening it, your name flashed on his notification, making his eyes lit up a little and

Sweetheart <3
[Baby, dinner is ready :3]

Closing his phone, he kick one of his underlings as he walked away but before doing so, he ordered his underlings to clean up the mess. Walking toward his home is a nightmare for him because his gaze keep darting toward a certain petshop and there, he saw a black haired boy play with his pals, a black and blonde streak boy, a messy black haired boy and a dark pinked haired girl.

They seems happy.

Hearing the clicking sound coming from your front door, you run toward it as your hand won't release the plate that contains a lot of Mikey's favourite food, Dorayaki. You try to make dorayaki almost everyday just to fail but today, you successful on making it. "I'm ho-

"Mikey-! Look, i finally make a dorayaki-!!" You cheered as you approach the male. He smiled upon seeing your happy stated. Pulling him toward the dining table, his eyes widen upon seeing all of the food that you have cooked just for him. "All of this, just for me-?" He say as he still won't believe his eyes. You nod your head aggressively and you swear your head could pop off anytime.

Sitting on the dining table, you giggle when he say "thanks for the food" while he just glanced at you. Taking a spoon, you take out something from your pocket and stick it on the top of his fried rice, making his eyes widen upon seeing a colourful flag on it. "There's a flag, mikey-!" You say as you try to mimick his old friend, draken.

A drop of tear roll down his cheeks, make you went silence. "Baby, did i do something wrong-? I'm so sor- Before you could continue, he shakes his head as he wipe away his tear. He stand up from his seat as he pull you into a hug

"It's nothing. I just miss you"



A month, takeomi had been away from home. You don't mind it at all since every night he would call you or send you a message if he's really busy. You used to live alone and it doesn't bother you at all.

But not for him

He's panicking inside while his outside look cool and relaxed. But koko noticed his sweaty palm, making him poke the scarred man. "Are you okay-?" Everyone's attention dart toward him as they awaits for his answer. They on their way back to japan and takeomi was worried sick about you ever since the first day he left you all alone in japan.

"It's (y/n)..." He say as he dart his gaze toward the floor and sanzu didn't think about his feelings at all, bursts into a fit of laugh. Every passengers inside the airplane didn't dare to tell him to shut up since he's the number two of bonten. "Sanzu" mikey stern voice make the pinked mullet male swipe away his tear of laughter. Takeomi didn't mind it at all when anyone laugh at him about his wife, instead he felt proud knowing that he have someone that awaits him at home with an open arm

"She's okay" mikey say. Takeomi raised his gaze as his gaze questioned his leader about how does he know about your wellbeings. "I told some of our men to watch out for (y/n)" takeomi finally realized that sanzu was laughing earlier is because (y/n) is safe and sound since some of their men become your bodyguard

Opening the locked door, he entered it and see you on the stairs, draped with a blanket and you put a pillow on your knees while hugging both of it. You was waiting for his returned but he return late, resulting for you to fall asleep on the stairs

Lifting you, he smile upon seeing you stirred a little and snuggled closer to his chest when you noticed his presence. "Take..." You mumbles as he kiss your forehead

"I miss you, baby"

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