Same Boat

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"I need a favor. But I need to ask you in person. I'm at the airport in Houston. Meet me by the southwest pick up. Come alone" Sherrie orders and hangs up the phone.

Donna fiddling with her bear. Sherrie looks around trying to stay alert. She waits.. 45 minutes pass.


Sherrie recognizes the voice and turns around.

"Jackie!" Sherrie cries out.

"Omg bitch what the fuck is up? I tried calling. I thought you was dead. Bitch don't u ever scare me like that again." Jackie yells.

"I don't know what's going on. Something went wrong. I need to know." Sherrie cries.

"Don't u dare cry bitch. Not in front Donna. Stop it now!!" Jackie says while hiding Donna behind her back.

Sherrie wiping her tears. Twiddling her thumbs.

"I'm just lost. I don't know what to do or where to go."

"You can come by me until we figure this shit out. Let's go." Jackie said.

Jackie gets in a 2014 Porsche Cayman. Donna sits on Sherrie lap.

"Are Yall hungry? Jackie ask.

"Im starvingggg." Donna expresses

"I bet you are. Ya mama must got u on the Beyoncé diet. U skinny as hell for 7! Jackie says

Sherrie stares out the window. Daydreaming...

"BITCH!!" Jackie screams


"What you want? This lady waiting for your order." Jackie says

"We don't eat Popeyes Jackie. Too fatty." Sherrie replies

"Bitch you on the run for your life and u worrying about how many calories in your meal. Bitch u might not get a meal tomorrow. This greasy chicken would last you for 2 days." Jackie says

"Lmao I hate you. Get us the 3 piece naked strips, no biscuit with green beans. And a bottle water. We'll share." Sherrie says

"Uh bitch,, um yes ma'am let me get the 5 piece chicken strips. Mild! 2 biscuits and a large red bean and a strawberry fanta. That would complete that order. Thanks ya"

"Really bitch?" Sherrie says smiling

"Yes really. That's what Ya stomach said when u ordered that bird food. Really bitch😡" Jackie says laughing

Jackie take Sherrie and Donna back to her condo on Barrow Creek Lane.
The house is equipped with alarm systems and cameras.

"You guys can get comfortable & stay as long as you like." Jackie says

"Where's Tevin?" Sherrie asked

Jackie sighs.. "On the run. You know how it go. We don't know until they get back."

"How long it's been?"

"4 months, 2 weeks, and 3 days. The longest he's been gone." Jackie says in sadness


"Nope.." Jackie says with her head down


"Not one." Jackie says


"They got em." Jackie says with her head down.

Sherrie grabs Jackie to console her. Jackie starts crying.

"I was being so strong until you asked Sherrie I swear. (Crying) It's like there's nobody I can talk to about it. No one would understand. I wanted to call you but u know we can't discuss it over the phone. They killed my baby. I know they did Sherrie." Jackie cries while getting weak.

"We don't know that! Don't say that. They promised us." Sherrie says

Donna watching her mom console her aunt. Jackie is Sherrie's sister in law. Damon & Tevin are brothers. Both being apart of this lifestyle. Jackie & Sherrie usually support each other while they men are on the job. Something went sour. Neither women know what it is.

"I'm sorry sis. (Wiping her nose) It just been bottled in. But It's not about me. What happened?"

"I was bringing Donna to.. Donna honey. Want to go pick out a movie that we can watch tonight after soapy swimming time?" Sherrie ask.

"Ok mommie!" Donna says.

Watching Donna head to the living room to make sure the coast is clear.

"I was bringing Donna to school. This car pulled up behind me and starting shooting. I hit the gas and they followed me. Shooting! In broad fucking daylight. Donna was in the car." Sherrie yelled

Jackie listening in awe.

"I went back to the house and flashed out on Damon. I was so fucking mad. He promised me his job wouldn't put us in harms way. What did he do? Why were they trying to kill us?? I snapped. I just got me and my baby shit and left. I followed the plan he gave me a year ago if he was to go missing. I don't know why their after me. Does anybody come after you?"

"No.. The agreement is to not fuck with family. If something was to go bad. They die. But if he's running then I see why they'll come after you guys. They may feel wherever you are. He will come. Did he go against them?? Did he snitch?"

"Damon wouldn't do that? He wouldn't put us in harm way. He said he'll protect us. Always. I just don't know." Sherrie says in confusion

"MOMMIEEE!" Donna screams to the top of her lungs.

Jackie and Sherrie running to the living room to Donna.

"What baby?" Sherrie and Jackie ask together.

"Look!" Donna cries while pointing to the TV

News Reporter

Still no leads on this morning murder of former U.S. Marshal Damon Batiste. The deputy was found in an unmarked police car in flames. Galveston firefighters got the call around 8:25 am informing a car on fire under a bridge. Firefighters discovered Batiste body in the trunk. If you have any tips. Please contact the police department.

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