Team 6

80 4 1

2035, Forward Operating Base, Mali, Africa

The Nighthawks swooped in... from inside the helo, I could feel the sudden G-forces as the chopper pulled to a solid stop. You could hear the clicks and checks of fire-arms as the operators chambered their rounds and flicked their safeties off. The crew chief got up, slid the bulky door open and threw a piece of rope out. He then gave me and the point-man a tight squeeze on his shoulder and waved his fingers in the air as he counted, 'Alright, three, two, one, GO GO GO!'

A wave of DEVGRU operators wearing body plates, face masks and night vision specs rappelled out of the two choppers, hit the ground and moved into their specified positions. My team leader moved to my right and screamed over the noise of the choppers moving off, ' I've been in DEVGRU 10 fucking years and they haven't figured a way of silencing those shitty engines!'

' I feel you brother,' I replied in a whisper hoping to maintain the element of surprise that was probably long gone...

We didn't have any of those complex hand signals you see in the movies. Knowing command, I received coordinates and info on my wrist-pad before I could ask. Apparently the target, Omari Sekau, is wanted for a shitload of stuff... Only to name a few, drugs, raiding, smuggling, homicide, massacres and other fucked up shit. This guy seemed like the motherfucker who would hire a bunch of idiots to guard him while he sleeps... This guy was smart, evading military forces like that, hiding under the blanket of the jungle, taking advantage of poor defenseless villages... That fucking pissed me off, I gripped my rifle, scanning the area for any threats with my holographic optic sight. This shit was declared standard issue two months ago, trust me, this was the good kind of shit.

We moved up to his compound... my forty-two man team was ready, in position, targets picked and finger on the trigger... this was a high value\ high risk target... we just needed the green light from the president...

The green light can be really annoying. Just staring up at my HUD waiting for that tiny little light to turn from red to green and all the guards to drop down. During that small amount of time, you start to wander off, thinking what your family is doing,. girlfriend, wife, best friend and finally coming to the damn conclusion that they think you're back safe at base. After all, we aren't really here, according to Washington that is... Anything epic, heroic or funny that had anything to do with the mission is to be classified, you're classified. Fucking government.

' So, you think they're gonna give the light?' I said to the guy on my right.

' Twenty bucks say they don't,' he replied with a cocky accent.

The green light flicked on.

' Fuck,' he cursed

And just as that curse came out of his potty-mouth, our team dropped about of 12 guards. We moved into the compound. Our team split there, into three, one rips through the front door, the other back ups from the side and the last team goes silently through the back. This plan was full-proof, we would all regroup and two teams would stand guard while the third would move upstairs where the target was situated.

I was put in the third team. This was easy... I could feel it ... what was with the high risk shit? I could hear the first team breach, followed by a few shouts and shots... then the second team moved in, and finally we went in to clean up the job... 

Now was our moment to shine, the other two teams moved out of the compound to stand as security... we moved up the stairs, I reloaded and checked my holographic optic sight and shouldered my  piano black sleek bulpup rifle... we knew everything.... which way the doors opened and closed, the shape of the rooms, the temperature, and even the position of it's occupants.

Strange, there was only one door... I was put up as point man so I crouched right by the entrance waiting for that squeeze on my shoudler....

A squeeze! I gave a nod to my buddy, put my finger on the trigger and my he kicked the door open. I rushed into the room scanning, my heart racing when suddenly, there he was, I knew what to do, put four rounds in his face. He dropped on the spot. Easy. 

' Ok guys, call up the cleanup crew, snap a few pics, swab some DNA and lets get the fuck outta' here!' 

Suddenly I heard a firefight going on outside the compound

' What the fuck was that!' I shouted

'Fuckin' Afri military man!' the EOD tech replied 

' Call in evac, tell them to bring those eighty cals they were talking about.'

I reloaded my weapon and proceeded down the stairs with my team.... I knew we weren't getting out without a fight...

Team 6Where stories live. Discover now