Umbrocanis The Werehog (Noncanon)

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Full Name
Umbrocanis Gaia Robotnik

Approximately 17

Werehog / Majin hybrid


6 ft 7 in and 250 lbs

Dark Gaia King Cinos - Biological Father
Dark Queen 21/ Evil Android 21 - Biological Mother
DGK Grimlock - Uncle
DGK Dr. Eggman - Adopted Grandfather
DGK Dark Gaia - Biological Grandfather
DGK Moona, DGK Crittoria, DGK Glutta, DGK Mysteria, DGK Hybra, DGK Dracora, DGK Donbra, DGK Amalia, DGK Genesia, DGK Arakna, & DGK Diabla - Halfsister
DGK Kandra - Sister
Toadstein, Tigon El Tigre, Kongo The Spider-Monkey, Tundra Antarctica, Synthesis The Paradise Bird, Monstro Saurian, Gravileo The Living Planet, Sonar. M. C. Audio, Fentom The Haunt, Rexter Armado Dilio, & Okami The Ronin - Uncles

Love Interest

Born within the Null Void with nothing but his mother Evil Android 21, his one goal is to his avenge his father Dark Gaia King Cinos. After many years of training and killing many aliens in the Null Void, he eventually became stronger which led him to finally have access in his Dark Gaia heritage. Using the power of the Chaos Emeralds and the full power of Chaos itself, he and his mother finally escape and happy to have totally revenge against the main Cinos and his family, both present and future.

Power and ability
Healing Factor
Chaos Force
Dark Gaia Force
Candy Beam
Spin Dash
Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Speed
Sharp teeth and claws
Prehensile tail
Ki control and manipulation
Loboan howl
Vulpimancer quills and gills

● Umbrocanis mean "shadow dog", due to him associated with darkness and being based on a canine.

● Umbrocanis see Kandra as his true sister due to both of their mothers are technically sorta the same Android 21 but splitted.

● Umbrocanis is more animal in appearance as opposed to his sisters being more human-like.
○ This is due to if Cinos have a son with a human or human-ish woman, the son will be more animalistic meanwhile daughters have their mothers' appearances with Cinos' ears, tail, and claws & teeth.

● Umbrocanis' fur color is a combination of Dark Heir, Dark Gaia King Cinos, and Evil Android 21 when she ate Cell.

● Umbrocanis' have a huge eating problem just like his mother Evil Android 21 but more voracious due to him being part Cinos.

● Umbrocanis is considered by the DGK version Zs'skayr to be a new ideal Heir to be the High Ecto-Lord.

● Umbrocanis have a good relationship with his mother Evil Android 21 as they been secretly training.

● While Umbrocanis seem to be like a teenager, he seems to more like am adult due to Cinos' different way of ages.

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