LOCKER ROOM SEX [one shot]

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Anna shouting "where the hell is he?" He told me to meet him in the boys locker room at least thirty minutes ago. I finally heard the sound of foot steps, and expecting Jack to show up, I instead saw Edward standing there, his eyes piercing into mine. "What are you doing in here?" He asked, slipping his top off as he proceeded to turn the shower on. "I-I'm waiting for Jack . Did you see him?" My boyfriend had been on the football team beyond the time that I've been dating him. Football has been his number one priority; losing a game causes a pissy attitude, winning a game means a night out partying. I'd gotten tired of it because although I did adore him and I was supportive of where he was getting with football, he had cheated on me several times with the cheerleaders. But since I'm with the wide receiver of the football team, I can't leave him because he cheated on me. He needs me to cover his dirt. "Hello?" He waved his hand in front of my face as I had fallen into a trance, staring at his flawlessly sculpted body Edward and I easily became friends. Edward is the quarterback of our school's football team. He's always keeping the team in check and he's the most important part of that team. Without him, they'd be crap. Edward and I met through Jack cause they were great friends. It felt so wrong to say it, but I've thought of Edward in ways that I shouldn't. He was my boyfriend's friend, it was horrible for me to think of him like that. When it comes it looks, it's hard to choose. But when it comes to personality, Edward has a personality like no other. He can be goofy when he wants and flirtatious when he wants. He's also got a pretty hard side to him. He's very outgoing which perfectly matches with my personality; very introverted and shy. I've never really been one to put myself out there and speak to a lot of people, but I made an exception with Edward. Anna, you're staring-" "Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked, cutting him off. I bit my lip slightly, waiting for him to answer me. "Um, no, why?" He asked, a puzzled expression on his face. I smirked to myself, backing away from him. I fumbled with the door lock, making my way back to Edward. "Why don't we play a game?" I asked, a seductive tone taking over my voice. "What game?" He asked, his hands grabbing my hips as I got closer to him. "Truth or Strip." I licked my lips, biting them instantly. The steam coming from the shower gave a muggy feeling in the room. "Do you really love him?" Edward asked. I scoffed at the question, beginning to lift my dress. "Perfect day to wear a dress, am I right?" I asked with a cheeky smirk as I slipped my t-shirt dress over my head. I threw the dress on a random bench. "Your turn." I said, folding my arms in front of my chest. "How many girls have you slept with?" I asked. He instantly removed his shorts, tossing it with my dress. "It's not so fun now, is it?" I asked, chuckling. "Who's your daddy?" My core throbbed at the nickname. "I don't know." I said, my chest heaving up and down as I fumbled with the hook of my bra, leaving my chest exposed as I stood in front of Edward. After that, Edward had grabbed me, hoisting my body as he shoved me against the locker. My legs dangled alongside his waist, my hands traveling to his hair as our lips moved sloppily against each other. "Fuck!" I cried out as he repetitively hit my g-spot. "It feels so fucking wrong-" He said, his words coming out with every thrust. I cut his sentence off, completing it. "But it feels s-so right." The cold concrete wall made me arch my back. I nearly screamed at the pleasure, instantly shutting my mouth when I felt Edward's hand over my mouth. Anna, you in here?" I heard BF/N's voice. "Nah, it's just me!" Edward said, continuing to thrust. "Have you seen my girl?" I bit onto his collarbone to hush myself. "No! She probably left!" He looked so good. I didn't care what was going to happen later on, I just didn't care about anything except for the current bliss. "Thanks!" He left the locker room, making me let out a trapped moan. "H-how'd he get in?" I asked, my nails creating bright red marks on his back. "Keys." He simply said, letting out a breath as rested his forehead against the crook of my neck.- Edward "Good game today." Jack said, a towel resting around his neck. I gave him a quick handshake, turning around to grab my clothes from my duffel bag."Damn bro, you got a lil' something last night I see." He said, referring to Edward's nail marks on my back. "Yeah, yeah I did." I said, smirking. Little does he know, I fucked his precious kitten in the same damn locker room.  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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