Prologue - Departing off

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(A/N): Alright, before starting, DON'T expect this to be some generic rwby story, being a beacon student, picking a girl, do random stuff, follow the story but with a reader OC in it, and such stuff, in this story, we are fucking G-MAN so expect you to do some G-MAN stuff. Said that, lets get started!


Unknown planet, Unknown Time

The combine, has finally been defeated, I have used Dr.Freeman's and humanity's example of defeating the Earth's Overwatch and free the Earth, to make other species and planets to also rebel against the combine. It was a long war, but the combine has been defeated. But my employers' operation is far from over.  

I was standing on a room, it was indeed, a very nice room to live in for short while i wait further instructions. As i was alone with my thoughts, the door behind me opened, revealing one of my employers.

Employer #1: Y/n, we need to proceed with this operation, here's the details.

He handed me a clipboard with some papers.

Employer #1: You will be departing in 5 hours, get everything you need ready.

I just nodded, he leaved the room and i eyed the papers. I needed to get to some world called Remnant in another universe. According to the details it was very similar to Earth. I needed to... 


Employer #1: Everything ready?

I nod my head.

Employer #1: Good. *opens up portal* Go on. 

I walked into the portal.


A mysterious man appears Somewhere in a Forest near Vale. He was wearing a blue suit with a white shirt and a black tie, with black shoes. He was tall and somewhat pale. He was holding a suitcase in one of his hands, its unknow what's inside it, but it was easily mistaken as dust. Noone was around, it was a dark night, the grimm activity in that place was big. Rarely any huntsman or civilian takes a step into that part of the forest because of the grimm. Any individual huntsman will easily be outnumbered by grimm. But this man looked like he didn't gave two fucks about grimm. A unnerving air was surrounding him everywhere he went. Grimm did notice this unnerving ambience. They never feel such thing before, it made every grimm uneasy and triggered their fight or flight. Some grimm chosed flight, dividing the grimm activity between near areas. Some grimm kept their place, but was unsure about if it was a prey, or a predator. The eerie man that has just arrived starting making his way into a nearly village. Keeping the grimm away from his path, he soon reached a random village. and spotted an inn. He needed to past the night somewhere. So he made his way into the nearby inn.

He entered the inn. Everyone turned around to see who has entered the inn. They felt uneasy as they saw the man who just entered. Something about him was off.

He walked to the innkeeper. 

Innkeeper: M-May i help you s-sir?

Man: I wish to rent a room for staying during the night.

Shivers went down the innkeeper's neck as soon he heard him talk. This man sounded like he wasn't used to speak ANY language, he sounded like he didn't know how to use his lungs.

Innkeeper: R-Right... It would be 15 lien per night, sir...

The man reached his pocket and handed over 15 lien.

The innkeeper turned around and handed over a key as he recieved the lien. 

Innkeeper: Room 138, sir...

The man picekd up the key and went to his room.

Innkeeper: *gulp*


I had rented a room and now im passing the nightime here, i placed my suitcase into a table aside the bed and planned my next move. I needed to get to... "Vale" and then contact some Roman Torchwick and recruit him and his men. I was handed a HUGE amount of lien by my employers before getting on this world. And information about every... "Important person" in this world. If torchwick denied, we had some others in mind, but i decided not to overthink too much and just lie down, i already knew my next move, so theres nothing to do over this night. I had to keep a low profile. 


I had picked up my suitcase and went to Vale. For some reason, the... "Grimm" was keeping their distance from me, they were avoiding me, i just decided to ignore it, i knew where to look for Torchwick. It was at some shop called... "Dust till dawn"...


I walked into this random dust shop.

Me: Hands up! this is a robbery!

Old dude: Please! take all the lien and go!

Me: We aren't here for the lien, *looks at henchmen* Take all the dust.

The henchmen were picking up dust until Dave went flying through the window and some red hooded prick was standing out there with a big ass scythe. It was a young girl.

Me: Well. Go get her!

The henchmen went after this random i decided to call "Red", but they were taken down easily. I then noticed something... Some dude in a suit and holding a suitcase was staring at me, atop some building. i couldn't get a good look at him because Red just fucking almost murdered those idiots i bought.

I just stared at the girl.

Me: Well, end of the line Red.

I fired at red with fire dust, making a smokescreen to give me a chance to escape into a nearby building's roof. And a bullhead was coming for me. Red chased me.

Me: Persistant. 

I fired again at Red making another smokescreen and hopper at a nearby bullhead. Miss. Fall fired a fireball at Red, but it was blocked by some huntress. I took a look to where that dude was before, he wasn't there anymore. I just let it slip by, he looked like the average joe.

(A/N): Well that's it for the prologue, if i see this story gets some reads and stuff, i will start writing chapter one! This is my first SERIOUS story btw. Anyway we got 1k words over here, I don't know if that's long, short, medium or idk, but seems a lil short to me, this is my first time writing. seeing how rwby stories were somewhat popular, i decided to make one. Any feedback will be appreciated. Soooo, see ya next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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