1. Round two

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"I fucked it up."

"No, you didn't," Dean refuted.

"Yes, I did," Blake put down the paintbrush as if it was a gun that he was afraid would fire again. "That's the definition of fucking something up."

"That's a small accident," Dean stood up from his chair to peek at said mistake.

Summer was about to end and, although a colder draft warned the impending arrival of autumn, the weather was still warm. In the back garden, Dean and Blake sat at an outdoor table, around Dean's latest craft.

Blake had come over so they could spend the day together and enjoy the remaining summer vacation before going back to university after the weekend. They had spent time together that summer, but it had not been as much as either of them wished. Blake had spent the majority of summer working at the restaurant and Dean liked to assist his mother during break, which meant that their time together had been somewhat limited.

They had still managed to hang out almost every week, however, which Dean was thankful for. They had spent most of that time at Dean's house, but he had also spent the day at Blake's a few times. On one occasion, May had also been there, which made the subsequent game of UNO far more competitive than usual, but it also increased the laughs so everyone had enjoyed it. The whole group had gotten together more than once - as for Blake's birthday in August - and they even had returned to Mark's pool a couple of times.

"I shouldn't be allowed near your models," Blake said, leaning back on the chair.

"Technically speaking, this one is a diorama," Dean grabbed a crumpled paper towel, dabbing off as much as the drop of dark paint as he could.

Dean had never made a diorama before, but that summer he had accepted the challenge. He had opted for a beach landscape with a small beach house since he had practice with models of buildings, although this time he was trying to make as much as he could from scratch while keeping in mind his level of experience. As expected, it had not been easy, especially since that had been the first time he had used resin to make the ocean. In the end, with much help from online tutorials, he had done it. It was far from perfect, but not awful for the first time.

At first, he had not wanted to work on it when Blake came over since he wanted to spend time together, but as soon as Blake had laid eyes on what at the time was a basic structure, his excitement had changed Dean's stance on the situation.

He did not understand Blake's enjoyment of just sitting back and watching him work on a model as they talked, but Dean quite liked it as well so he wouldn't question it. Although he enjoyed watching, Blake refused to partake when Dean proposed he join him, insisting he was doomed to ruin something.

However, today, Dean was just giving the final touches so he had finally convinced Blake to participate.

"Now there's a black spot on the sand," Blake watched as Dean tried to make it less noticeable. "It could be a very well-contained oil spill. Or the beginning of a portal to another world."

TOUCH OF BITTERSWEET (Touch Trilogy #2)Where stories live. Discover now