Chapter One

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Your p.o.v
   I was looking in the newspaper for a job,but none of them seemed good. I was at a small cafe with my friend.
   "Nope,to boring, eh,no..." I continued to ramble on as I looked over the jobs. I heard (f/n) sigh and I laughed lightly.
   "Why don't you just let me find a job for you?" He/she asked.
   I gave it a bit of thought, "Okay but it better not be to boring or anything." I said as I handed (f/n) the papers. He/she looked until she/he came upon something.
   "Why not this one? It's at a pizzeria and you'll work as waitress. You also have good pay." I took a sip of (favorite drink) and looked at the ad. (F/n) was right it did have good pay,but I wasn't so sure about the whole pizzeria thing.
   "You know this is the last job in the papers (y/n). If you don't choose this one or any other one then you'll never get a job." I sighed.
   "Okay I'll call later. Once we leave." I stated as I took another sip.
   (F/n) nodded, "Welp I have to go now. See ya later (y/n)!" With that he/she left leaving a small amount of money on the table. I took the money and used it to pay what we had ordered. Then I left,too.
   The pizzeria was not that far from my home. Which was a good thing since I didn't own a car. I walked back to my small house thinking how the money could really help me. For one,it could help me pay the rent,and I can get a few more things for myself.
   I unlocked the door to me house only to see my dad. I screamed in anger, "What the hell are you doing here?!" He threw a beer bottle in my direction,luckily I dodged it. Dammit he was drunk. I clenched my fists.
   "What the heck is a little bitch like you going to do? Huh? Huh?!" He laughed while clutching his stomach.
   "I can kick you out! This is my house!" I shouted. He waved his hands.
   "By the way the payments are going,not for long. You don't have a job anyways,I wondered how you survived!" He laughed again. I walked up to him and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and left,slamming the door behind me. I heard some cursing from inside the house and smirked. Until he broke a window with his fist. I flinched as I heard a few more things break.
   I got my phone and dialed (f/n)'s number. She/he picked up a few seconds later.
   "Hey (y/n)! What's up?" I sighed and explained what happened.
   "So you want me to let you stay for awhile?" (F/n) asked. I kept walking further away from what used to be my house.
   "Until I can find somewhere else to settle in." I heard some chuckling from the other end.
   "Okay I'll let you stay,but did you call for the job?" I face palmed. I had forgot.
   "No but I'll call tomorrow if that makes you happy okay?"
   "Yeah alright,now come over! It's been awhile since we've had a sleepover!" I laughed and hung up after that. I walked in silence as I went to my friend's house. It was getting late and started running instead, why did her/his house have to be so damn far away?!

Sorry for the inconvenience folks but here you go.....a new story

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