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"Oh he's cute," I laughed as I looked at last year's sophomore yearbook.

"No he's better," Marlow laughed pointing at a picture on the next page.

Her bed made a creaking noise and our heads snapped towards it.

"I hate this house," Marlow rolled her eyes.

"Why? I mean it's pretty big and you just moved in here just give it some time," I said.

"I guess you're right," Marlow frowned.

"I am right," I laughed.

"But get this, Taylor. I've been sleep walking at night," Marlow spoke.

"What do you do?" I asked.

"My parents said I carve stuff into the walls and I hit my head on doors," Marlow said.

"That sounds like something you would do," I laughed.

"Wow thanks for your concern," Marlow said furrowing her eyebrows.

"Well just to let you know if you start carving something into the wall I might take the knife from you and stab you," I laughed.

Marlow squinted her eyes at me.

"Hey I'm just saying that's kind of creepy," I laughed.

"Yeah," she said with a nervous look on her face.

"Don't worry I slept walked all the time when I was younger. It's just a phase," I smiled.

"You're probably right," Marlow said.

"Once again I'm always right," I laughed.

Marlow's window blew open.

"Oh my god," Marlow cried.

"Calm. Down," I laughed.

I walked over to the window and locked it.

"It wasn't locked Marlow," I laughed.

"Ok," she said.

"Lets go to bed it's late," I smiled.

"Ok," Marlow said still staring at the window.

I shut off the lamp and got comfortable on Marlows blue sofa. Marlow got under the covers in her bed. I shut my eyes and went to bed.

3:00 am___

I felt a shadow cast over me and I opened my eyes. Marlow was standing next to the sofa and looking straight at me.

"Go back to bed Marlow," I said annoyed.

She moaned and then started kicking the sofa.

I opened my eyes again. Marlow had her hair covering her face and she was kicking the side of the sofa.

"Marlow I mean it. I'm going to go get your parents," I said.

Marlow stopped kicking the sofa and slowly tilted her head up towards me and let out a scream. I jumped.

"Marlow what is wrong with you. Everyone is trying to sleep. This isn't funny anymore," I yelled.

She stopped screaming and smiled at the window behind me, while tilting her head to the side. I thought sleepwalkers sleep walk with their eyes shut. I turned around and looked at the window. Nothing was there.

When I turned back around Marlow was writing on her wall.

She wrote each word slowly.
You're the thing they want next

I started making my way towards the door so I could go get Marlows parents.

But as soon as I reached for the door knob. Marlow jumped on top of me and made me tumble to the ground. She sat on my stomach and pulled a knife out. I let out a scream and a light in the hallway flipped on. I screamed again. Marlow took the knife with both hands and tried to stab me. I moved my head to the side, but the knife still cut the tip of my ear. The knife was stuck in the floor. The bedroom door swung open and Marlow's dad dragged her off of me. Her mom walked in and helped me up off of the ground. I got up and her mom looked at my ear.

"Call 911 for Marlow and Taylor," Marlows mom yelled.

Marlow's dad pulled out his phone and dialled 911.

Five minutes later we heard sirens. The medics came upstairs and grabbed onto Marlow.

"Take her to Lowrise, and take the other girl to the hospital to get stitches for her ear," the medic said to the other medic.

"Lowrise?" I said.

"Lowrise Insane Asylum," the medic responded.

"What? No you can't," I yelled.

"Go," he said to the other medic.

They took Marlow to Lowrise and me to the hospital.

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