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5 years ago...

"Get back home safely, okay?" Cass said to her beloved as he was going to work. Not many people knew that her husband, who was a bounty hunter and spy, lived a simple life with his family, yet danger always lurked everywhere.

"As always, I will love. I will get home safely," he reassured his wife about his departure from his job. He knew it could be dangerous, but he had already faced danger in his life even before meeting his wife.

Cassandra Luna Saratos-Blackwell, known as Cass by many and formerly known as Cassandra Luna Saratos-Orion, had a perfect life with her late husband and kids. But that changed when Sirius Lian Orion was killed during his mission to save Cryptids.

"Dad? Are you going to work now?" a little angel called in a hushed volume. "Yes, sweetie and I will go back home as soon as I get off work," her husband said to his step-daughter. Although Leah may not be his daughter by blood, he took care of her as his own.

"Okay, but promise me when you go home, you will kiss me on my forehead even if I am asleep," Leah requested. He smiled and kissed Leah and Cass then took off to go to work. The mother and daughter went into their house, but little did they know that this would be the last time they would see him.

A call was received in the house. "Hello?" Cass answered the phone. "Good evening, ma'am, is this Mr. Blackwell's wife?" Cass felt something was wrong, especially since he hadn't come for a week now.

"Yes, I am. What is the matter?" she asked and received the news that he was gone. She felt so much pain, remembering the pain when she lost Sirius. She called her older brother, Ram Samuel Saratos, to help her find her husband.

"Hello sister, it has been a while since you last called me," he delightfully answered the call. "Ram, I need help," she said on the phone, and her brother immediately asked her, "What happened? Is everything all right? Did he do something to you? How about the kids?"

"Should I bring my gun to your head when I get there, or let me explain what is happening?" She cut Ram off coldly, knowing his sister's tone meant she was dead serious. "Okay, please do tell, sis."

She explained to him about the situation, her husband's disappearance, and how she would need help to find him. She knew in her heart that he was out there, and she told Ram not to say anything to the children because she wanted to be the one to tell them about their dad. Ram promised that he would help find information about him, and when she ended the call, she went to pick up the kids from school and explain the situation. It was hard for her to tell her older children, Liam and Leah, about him because they saw him as their father figure despite losing their biological father at such an early stage.

"Hi, Mom!" Liam and Leah told their mom the moment they saw her at their school gate.

"Hi, kids, how was school?" She asked them, and they told her about the new lessons they learned that day. "That sounds wonderful, now let's go home because knowing you two, you miss your little brother and sister." They got in the car, and the moment she stopped the car in their garage and parked it there, despite them being happy, they missed him and asked their mom if there was any news about him after a week.

"Mom?" Liam called his mother's attention, "Yes, baby?"

She knew he would be asking the same question about where their dad was.

"Did you receive any news about where Dad is?" Hearing how the kids missed him broke her heart because he was always there for them, despite having a bad boy image outside. But with them, he always had a soft spot. Leah heard this and went down to her mom to ask the same question. "I did receive some news..." she started, knowing the kids were ecstatic. However, she broke the news to them.

"He's... he's gone," she told them. "What?!" both exclaimed.

"How? Why?" Liam asked his mother. "I received a phone call earlier. Remember that Dad had a mission?" They both nodded. "Bad things happened, and now no one knows where your dad is, especially after the place exploded. Don't worry, your uncle Ram is helping me find your dad, and once we receive the information, we will go to him. I don't know how long this will take, but hopefully, we will find him."

Both kids nodded to their mother, knowing what it felt like to lose their father. They didn't want their younger siblings to experience the same thing. The twins were about to be a year old, and it was difficult for their mother to take care of all four of them. But Leah and Liam were determined to do anything for their mom. They got ready for bed after dinner and helped their mom with the dishes since they shared the same bedroom for now.

"Liam, what are we going to do now? The twins are about to be a year old soon. What can we do to help Mommy with them?" she asked her older brother, right after their mom left after kissing their foreheads to go to her room.

"All I know is we have to help Mom in raising the twins. We have to support her, and if Dad is still missing for a long time, we will have to be the ones to be with the twins. Besides, we are here for our family and must protect them. Besides, Dad wouldn't want Mom to get hurt, including us."

"Yes, brother, but I hope they can find Dad soon. I miss him. Good night, Liam," she said as she turned off her lamp to go to sleep.

"Me too, sis. I miss him too. Good night to you as well," he said as he went to sleep.

5 years went by, and Ram and Cass had no information about him. Cass had to find her husband, so she went on missions and worked 24/7 while raising four kids. Thankfully, Liam and Leah helped her with raising the twins. Now that the twins were about to turn 5, they started questioning their mom about where their dad was. Cass had to explain the situation to them. Despite their young age, Cass' children were not to be messed with, and they could understand more than others would think. They had inherited that characteristic from their mom. She had no problems with raising the children, and despite their father's absence, they didn't mind. They even started training in self-defense, knowing their mom wouldn't always be with them.

Present time

Cass missed her husband. She renovated their place since she was from a wealthy family and bought new land to build the house they currently lived in. However, the original house they had remained as it was, with a few changes, and could still be used whenever they wanted. Cass was about to retire from helping the Secret Scientists until she received a call from an old friend.

"Hello, Cass Saratos speaking," she said when she answered the phone in her study room.

"Cass? It's me, Drew. My family and I need your help," Drew said on the phone.

"What kind of help?" she asked Drew.

"It's Argost. He has the Kur Stone, and we need your help with this mission." As she heard the reasons, her mind went blank for a few seconds, but she regained consciousness and answered, "What?! Okay, I will be there. Just send me the location where we will meet."

"Okay, thank you, Cass. Your help will be greatly appreciated, and now we're on the same mission."

"Don't I know it? See you later, and I'm not going alone. We will leave tomorrow," she said as she ended the call and went to her kids who had finished their training.

"Kids, pack your important things," she said to them. "Mom, where are we going?" Diana asked her mother. "We're going on a mission, and you will finally meet your Aunt Drew again. We leave tomorrow." The kids nodded and rushed to their rooms to pack their things. Cass did the same. They left their house the next day, as Cass received the message about the location where she would meet her best friend, Drew Saturday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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