Chapter 1

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Hi I'm Izuku Yagi and this is my journey and my struggles to reach my goal

But let's start at the beginning of my journey

We start in the morning where everything went downhill...
Me and my older sister had gone to wake our parents up to go check our quirks at the quirk doctor
Izumi and Izuku:"MOM DAD WAKE UP ITS TIME TO CHECK OUR QUIRKS"Izumi said excitedly
Inko:"Ok ok let's get ready and then I'll take you two"She said sighing

Timeskip at the doctor after the checkup

Doc:"Mam I have good news and bad news which do you want hear first?"
Inko:"The bad news please"she said hoping her children weren't sick
Doc:"well it's sad to say young izuku over here is quirkless however he shows a small sign of developing a quirk"

As soon as I heard that I was in shock I dropped my all might figure to the ground waiting for my mom to reassure me but she never did after hearing the doctors next words
Doc:"While young Izumi has a phychokinesis quirk which is a more powerful version of the no. 8 Hero:Tatsumaki with this quirk she can be a powerful hero with the drawback being a slight headache the longer or heavy an object or person she uses her quirk on which can be trained to improve the weight limit and length in using her quirk"

Inko then proceeded to praise Izumi and her quirk and left me there in my sadness on the chair we then went home to my father Toshinori Yagi aka all might
Inko:"Kids go upstairs into your rooms while I talk to your father"

We then proceeded to leave into our rooms

AM:"Hi honey how did it go at the quirk doctor"
Inko:"Well Izuku is quirkless and Izumi has a more powerful version of my quirk"
AM:"Wow Izumi can become a powerful hero"was his reaction to the news not worried about his son

I stood there listening I was saddened not only that my mom didn't care that my dad had not said anything about my predicament I then went to my room hoping the next day would be different I was so wrong

Ever since the day I was diagnosed quirkless my parents ignored my needs and I was forced to become an adult at the age of 4 but that wasn't the only thing in this shit life my childhood friends had a talk while I was sitting at a tree this one talk ruined my life aswell atleast one of my friends stayed with me
Izumi:"Hey guys!"
Katsuki:"Sup Izumi where's Izuku"
The friends then greeted her and asked the same thing
Izumi:"Well I'm fine I got my quirk it's called phychokinesis like Tatsumakis quirk but better"
Ochako:"That's so cool but what about Izuku"
Both Momo and Katsumi and Shoka nod in agreement Shoto and Katsuki  also wondering
Izumi sighed as she explained what happened to Izuku and how he still wants to be a hero even though he is quirkless they were All Saddened as they didn't want him to die until a certain Pomeranian came up with a good(HORRIBLE) idea he suggested that they...

Katsuki:"Hey why don't we bully him with our quirks so he stops trying to be a hero"
They all looked at him shocked
Katsuki:"Wait let me explain we just make him scared of quirks and tell him to stop then we go back to being friends"
The friends agreed to his plan but to not take it too far except two friends who said no and that they wouldnt hurt him they then walked away those two were Shoka and Momo
This then left his friends and his sister Shoto,Izumi,the bakugou twins and ururaka they then walked to deku and Izumi said...
Izumi:"Hey Izuku do you still wanna be a hero."
Izuku:"Hey guys and yes I still wanna be a her-"before he could finish his sentence he was exploded and frozen by Shoto and the bakugous the rest then joined even his own sister used her quirk and beat him

This was now his life atleast Shoka didn't bully that was his only friend left

Timeskip his life was worse they bullied him worse than before and he was still neglected by his parents
We go to the last day of middle school the day I awakened my quirks

I was getting made fun of with the teacher not caring the teacher had papers in his hand
Teacher:"Alright class today we will be talking about your careers"He said as they growned  except Izuku the teacher then said
Teacher:"Who Am I kidding I know you all want to be Heroes."
The class then began using their quirks except Izumi and her squad ,Shoka,Momo and Izuku the teacher then stated quirk usage without a licence is illegal and then proceeded to tell them whos going to UA
Teacher:" Well it seems the yagis,bakugous, todorokis and yaoyoruzu and ururaka are going to UA
Katsuki:"Don't lump me and my crew with these extras we aced the mock tests and practice exams."he said smirking while the class argued with him Izumi realised something
Izumi:"DEKU! your applying to UA I thought we told you not to become a hero and go to UA!"
Timeskip end of school
Shoka and Momo had left to wait for me at the front of the school
I was packing my bag and was about to grab my notebook as it was then grabbed by none other Katsuki with his crew
Katsuki:"What's this hero analysis for the future what did we tell you Deku! You can't be a hero you quirkless piece of shit."
Ochacho:"Yah DEKU!!! Who do you think you are trying to be a hero
Katsuki then Burned my notebook I was angry they then proceeded to beat me then Izumi said something which then made me sad as I tried it already
Izumi:"You wanna know how to get a quirk you piece of shit brother" I ignored her and got up then she said smirking"Why don't you take a swan dive off the roof and pray for a quirk in your next life(sorry Izuku this is the only way)."they then started leaving  with her gang laughing
They then heard my laughter and looked back I then stopped and said in a cold tone
Izuku:"My sister really is horrible,you know Izumi I already tried your advice but I stopped myself"her and gang then went wide eyed as I then said walking past them"Next time don't talk to me I'm done with you guys the" I then start walking home and text Shoka and Momo to go home as I'm going by myself today it then took a different route to avoid Izumi and her friends

Timeskip Allmight saved me from the sludge villain I then asked if..
Izuku:"Is it possible for someone quirkless to become a hero"what he then said crushed me and made me despise him
AM:"I don't think you can become a hero without a quirk as it is very dangerous so no you can't become a hero."

Timeskip after the sludge Villian incident  I went back to walking home,I then hear Allmight call out to my bitch of a sister


The end for part 1

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