Part: 4 I'm affecting her

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Max's P.O.V.

I'm extremely angry with my submissive 'Lara'. This time she has done a huge mistake.

I brought her to the room of the BDSM club. She is in a lingerie set. Still, her eyes are looking down. She is so a perfect woman and obeys my every order. She is the best submissive I ever found but for the first time, she has disappointed me as a submissive.

I took out the ropes, flogger, clamps, tape and vibrator band from the bag. I kept them on the bed and walked toward her.

I grasped her jaw and pulled her face up to make her look at me. "Do you remember your safe word as you gonna need it for tonight because I'm very angry?"

"I'm sorry, Master." She apologised guiltily.

Then I ordered her to lie down on the bed after removing her undergarments. I tied her wrists and ankles with the bedposts in X position. I pinched her nipples before attaching clamps to them, she winced in pain but today I'm not going to show any mercy over her because she has hurt me a lot.

Then I turned on the vibrator and placed it on her vagina. She tried to close her legs but couldn't as her ankles are bounded to the bedposts. I tapped the vibrator with her thigh so that it stayed over her clit. I stood beside her and picked up the flogger. She looked at me with her moist eyes. Today this not gonna work on me.

"Lara, tell me why I'm punishing you?" I asked her before hitting the flogger over one of her tits.

She screamed in pain and answered me, "because I make out with somebody else..." she again shouted as I hit her again.

"And?" I asked, continuously hitting her busts.

"And when you asked me, I lied to you, Master..." she whimpered in pain as now I hit her pussy after removing the vibrator.

"Didn't I satisfy you enough, Lara that you went to another man to satisfy you?" I yelled at her, I'm hurt and angry both at the same time. I'm hitting her pelvis continuously, taking out my anger on her.

"I'm sorry, Master. Please, forgive me. I will never do this again," she apologised, crying hysterically.

I stopped hitting her and vigorously rubbed the vibrator against her clit. Now she moaned loudly in pleasure.

"After tonight, you won't hurt me because I'm breaking my relationship with you." As I declared, her eyes widened in shock.

"Master, please, don't do this. Please, punish me more and take out your anger on me but please don't leave me. Please, Master." She begged me.

I hurled the vibrator and started opening her. "You can leave now and never show me your face." I barked at her after removing the clamps from her nipples.

"Please, Master, forgive me. Give me one more chance." She sobbed.

"I said leave, Lara." I roared at her, making her flinch. She stood up, crying and started wearing her undergarments.

I removed my shirt and threw it over her face. "Go out, wearing this."

She looked at me pleadingly but I averted my eyes.

"Master, I'll wait for you." She left after saying this.

Maybe I can forgive you Lara because I can't live without you.

Nandini's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning and recalled the last night. I fucking can't believe that I talked to a Dom last night and shared my thoughts with him.

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