Autumn Leaves and Chocolate Treats

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Lara Olaolu seethed with anger as she wiped hot tears from her face.

After three years together, Rick tore her heart to shreds and threw it in her face. Trembling with shock, she watched him walk away. To crown it off, he did it in the morning of her twenty first birthday.

Lara asked him about his suspicious behaviour two weeks earlier. The long trips with no explanations. Ditching her at the last minute to 'hang out with friends', and his mood swings. He shrugged it off on that day, and delivered his cruel response on her day of joy. Cold hearted savagery when she was expecting a birthday gift.

"I've had enough of this, Lara. It's over."

And that was it. He had enough. After she tolerated his crap for at least a year. Because 'no one is perfect' and he was her 'first love'. In retrospect, perhaps she held on for all the wrong reasons. Who said first love has to be final love?

Lara adjusted the belt of her navy, denim shirt dress. She whipped a white handkerchief out of her pocket and dabbed her cheeks. Rick was not worth spoiling her make-up. It was professionally done. She would spend the night crying on her pillow instead. Mourning the loss of her first crush.

A few students rushed out of the main gate behind her. She stepped aside and looked back at the tall trees and faculty buildings. Everywhere was decorated with ruby red and golden leaves. The signature colours of autumn. As a finalist at the University of New South Wales, Australia —she would miss it when she graduated.

"I think you should cheer up. You dodged a bullet."

Lara whipped her head in the direction of the voice. She suspected the opinion was targeted at her. When her eyes fell upon a guy leaning his motorbike against a pole, she balked. He was tall and muscular. Square jaw and strong shoulders. As he walked towards her, she took a step back. He raised his hands to show he meant no harm.

"I am harmless," he declared. "Pat me down for weapons if you like."

Lara arched an eyebrow and stifled a smile. She could discern from the mischief twinkling in his gray eyes that he was far from innocent. He ran a hand through his jet black hair and smirked.

"Hello, Lara. I'm Taron Quentin." He extended his hand and she accepted it with caution. "You're probably wondering how I know your name."

"Yeah." Lara admitted as she withdrew her hand.

"Simple. I asked one of the guys at MacKenzie Hall for the name of the leggy, brunette hottie in Zoology."

Lara nodded and blushed. It was no big deal, one of her study mates stayed at MacKenzie. She felt like kicking herself for having such a sharp reaction to his compliment. Taron was charming and he was working it like a dancehall rhythm.

He chuckled. "Just kidding. I saw you in your customized jersey last week."

"Are you stalking me?"

"Nah. Um, well not really."


"Hmm. On second thought..."

Lara laughed and shook her head. "I'm pretty sure this is not how you rehearsed this." She gestured between them with her index finger.

He frowned with his lips, but his eyes sparkled. "Nah. Not really."

She looked at him from head to toe. His jeans clung to his long legs and his black, leather jacket was a sharp contrast to his white T-shirt. He looked like a bad boy. Too handsome, too troublesome. Hence, he was off limits.

"Thank you for cheering me up, Taron. I'll see you round."

Lara turned to walk up High street. She intended to go to Randwick and get a cappuccino at Belmore road. Calling her best friend, Rayleigh wasn't an option. RayRay disliked Rick all along and could be volatile when provoked.

"Wait." Taron caught her hand in a gentle but firm grip. "Rick is coming back," he whispered. "I think you should give him a taste of his own medicine."




"Like this—"

Taron leaned closer and dusted an imaginary speck from her shoulder. Lara felt her body flush with heat at his touch. She felt guilty for her attraction to him before she reminded herself she didn't owe Rick a damn thing. Her pulse raced but before she could step away, Taron brushed his stubble against her cheek.

"Oops," he said in a husky voice as he stared into her hazel eyes.

"That was not an accident."

He tilted his head and flashed a cocky grin. A moment of silence passed as they gazed at one another. Taron broke the ice.

"Don't look back. Rick just crossed the road. He looks upset. The little rascal is practically foaming at the mouth."

Lara peeped and saw Rick scowling at them. She burst out laughing and faced Taron. "That wasn't necessary, but I have to admit it was fun."

"Let's go to Wendy's for some ice cream. My treat," Taron replied.


"Because ice cream fixes a broken heart."

Lara scoffed in disbelief. "Try again."

"How about the two for one promo on double chocolate chip treats for couples?" Taron asked.

"Deal. I want honeycomb waffles too. Just as friends."

Taron laughed and she bit her lip and rolled her eyes playfully.

"I like a woman who knows what she wants," he said.

They strolled side by side and the cool breeze blew some stray leaves around their feet. A few cars drove past and they halted at the zebra crossing when they saw the red light.

Lara looked up at him with a sultry smile. "I like a man who values what he gets."

"Thank y—"

"You're on probation."

"Fair enough," Taron winked. "Rick closed a door and it opened a beautiful window for us."

Lara giggled. "How poetic."

The light turned green and they proceeded. Carefree and cheerful with an unspoken promise to have some fun.

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