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Shu stared at the café door infront of him. It wasn't his fault the wbba decided to place a mandatory check up for all bladers under the age of eighteen and it also wasn't his fault that there was quiet a large gap in his medical history, which also lead to why he was sitting at a three seat corner table at a Starbucks about a fifteen minute walk away from the wbba.

Shu glanced down at his phone. Five past three, they were late. Five more minutes and I'll leave, Shu thought before going back to staring at the door before giving up and going to get a drink. By the time he had ordered Shu could see the tell tale aqua blue hair entering the café. "You're late." Shu said approaching the man in front of him, Norman Traver, a well known snake pit blader. "Well sorry," Norman huffed brushing off his coat and leveling the glare Shu was giving him, "some of us aren't just staying ten minutes away at some fancy hotels"

"Fifteen, actually." Shu corrected brushing some invisible dust off of his hoodie. "The traffic was crap," Norman deadpanned, "he'll be here in a minute, now let's sit down, I'm fecking freezing right now." Shu nodded, feeling some of the tension fading away he gestured for Norman to follow him before grabbing his drink and walking over to the table.

"I'd ask you about the weather but for some reason I don't think you invited both of us here to catch up, did you red?" Shu felt his cheeks slowly reddening, "No." he admitted, slowly taking a deep breath in and out, "I need my medical records from the snake pit or any record at all really." Norman recoiled, surprised, taking a while before replying, he whispered back, "Shockingly, Ashtem did keep track of stuff like that, like surgeries and all that-" Norman paused for a moment, "but he also took note of the side affects, you sure you want that going out to people?" Shu winced slightly, thinking back to when the aftermath of the experiments turned out less ideal, the after affects that he would have to live with for the rest of his life, apart from just having a rogue spirit trying to possess him, instincts forced in to him, vital organs removed, the strength and power that never left after the spirit left him and the scars so many scars. "Yes." Shu said, nodding as if trying to transfer a gage on how much this meant to him to Norman, "The wbba passed a new rule, all bladers under the age of eighteen must have a check up to see if there physical health is up to standard."

"And your medical history is missing parts, I'm guessing."


"Alright I'll ask Ashtem for it and send it to you, you have my number right?" Shu nodded, wanting to leave before Ashtem or Theodore glass as he was more commonly known arrived. "Bye, and Norman-" Shu looked up to Norman and smiled, "Thanks" Norman smiled, "No problem, red, masked bladers stick together am I right?" Shu winced slightly before grinning, "Right." Then standing up he left through the way he came and forwarded his pace to a fast walk as he thought of what Lain would be doing if left unattended.



Shu winced as he slunk into the hobby, remaining undetected through Aiger and Lain's screaming match and his casual clothes. "SHU!" More or less, Shu thought before turning to Valt, "Yeah Valt?"
"So Shu you know the way how both Phi and Lain and Aiger have had dark renosanse?" Shu nodded, not particularly liking where this was going, "Maybe you know maybe youcouldturnintoredeyeandlikemaybebeatthemallbecauseitsgettingREALLYannoying?" Shu's eyes widened most people wouldn't have had a clue of what Valt had just said, but having known his friend since kindergarten he could understand nearly everything that came out of his friends mouth, though this time however he was hoping he'd misheard, "Valt can you repeat that. Slower." Valt took a deep breath before saying the exact same thing only five times faster with steam coming out of his ears. Shu decided after the fifth time trying that it was better just to go with what he thought he heard.

"Come on Shu please it would only be for a little while, we'd destroy it right after!"

"Fine." Shu groaned, he knew this was a bad idea but at the rate him and Valt were going at they were nearly out screaming Lain and Aiger, scratch that they had out screamed Lain and Aiger Shu realised when he glanced at the two of them who were staring mouths wide open at him and Valt. "Fine." Shu repeated at normal volume, "Yes!" Valt yelled, before racing out towards the training rooms, "Trust me Shu this is going to be one hundred percent safe, no beys shattered or anything!" Shu shook his head hoping that this wasn't going to end in pain, before following Valt out towards the training rooms.


"The heck." Lain swore, as he watched Shu and Aoi scream at eachother. He wasn't going to lie this was strangely hilarious, him and Aiger, two of the most powerful bladers out screamed by they're trainers.

He was never going to live this down.


Aiger stared at Shu and Valt. What on earth were they yelling about? What had Valt done to get one of the most, well known for being level headed, blader to be yelling at him. Aiger winced his ears, his ears.

But now he was curious what were they yelling about. Aiger turned to Ranjiro, "You thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Yeah, you thinking for what I'm thinking?"
"Okay, then,"
"Let's follow them!"
"Let's get lunch!"

Ranjiro looked at him concerned. "You- you just witnessed two legendary bladers fight and you- you WANT TO GET A SANDWICH? ARE YOU CRAZY?" Aiger laughed "No of course not I'm hungry!" Before marching off to the canteen, not noticing Ranjiro curled up on the ground traumatized.


"Well well well." Phi whispered from above. "Well well well- what Phi you can't just leave me hanging! No don't you turn your back on me mister, GET BACK HERE!" Hyde yelled from behind, before falling over.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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