Prologue, A Fresh Family

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Yumaro POV(oc)

I'm back, after four years I'm back in the hidden leaf village.

I never really had any attachments to this place, not since my parents died nine years ago when I was eleven, they died two years before the Kyuubi attack.

I wasn't at the village when the Kyuubi attacked, I was out on a mission but I remember that when I came back the village was in ruin, I remember being told that the fourth Hokage had died, I was promoted to Jonin a few days later making me thirteen when I became Jonin.

Young for even a chunin let alone a Jonin but you see I was somewhat of a prodigie, not on the same level as someone like Itachi Uchiha but a prodigie non the less.

After I became sixteen I decided that I wanted to leave the village for a while, so I became a hunter nin and spent the next four years of my life outside the village hunting rouge ninja.

I ended up getting the nickname The Eyeless because of my mask which was just plain black except for two red eyes with two red slits going through them and then connecting where my nose would be. I also wore anbu pants, a fishnet shirt with a grey jacket on top and had a Katana by my side.

This was the same outfit I was wearing right now as I walked the through the village and it was earning me quite a few stares

'I don't like all this attention I'm getting, think i'll just go via rooftop' I jump to the nearest rooftop and then start jumping from roof to roof exploring the village

~~Some hours later~~

After jumping around the entire village i decided to sit down on a rooftop across from an old apartment building that was in a quiter part of the village.

I look down through some of the windows in the apartment building and noticed something.

"the building practically abandoned"

As I looked through the windows I could see that there was nothing in the rooms except for a heavy layer of dust. In fact the whole place was covered in dust and the only room that looked like it was being used wasn't looking to be in good shape either.

'A haunted apartment building perhaps?'

As I'm observing the building, I notice a little boy with blonde hair run round a corner towards the apartment building. The kid looked like he had fallen out of a tree with the amount of cuts and bruses on his body, his clothes were also torn in multiple places.

"what the hell happened to that kid?" I asked myself

As soon as I finish my sentence I notice three men run around the corner as well and they seemed to be chasing the boy.

The boy seeing this goes as fast as he can up the stairs to the third floor of the apartment building and then goes to the door of the only room that was being used, he proceeds to open the door before shuting it as soon as he was in.

The men that were chasing him went to the door and tried to open it, once they realised it was locked they proceed to start hammering on the door and shout stuff like 'dam you demon brat you should be executed' and 'the village would be so much better without you'.

As I hear this from across the street I can't help but be appalled, these three grown men were picking on a child and shouting death threats at him.

'This village has gone down hill since the last time I was here'

Two of the men then backed away from the door as the third went to try and kick it down.

deciding I'd seen enough, I got up form where I was sitting and jumped over to the apartment building landing right behind the three men without them noticing me.

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