Chapter 1

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It was the day of the ninja exams where academy students had the chance to prove themselves and become Genin, Naruto was one of these students and he was currently on his way to the academy.

Naruto was jumping from rooftop to rooftop wearing a bright orange jumpsuit and some goggles around his head.

'Crap I'm going to be late' he thought as he jumped faster

Naruto jumped down in front of the academy and then rushed in going straight for his classroom, once he got there he slowed down before opening the door and walking in.

Most of the students were already there and sitting down but their teacher Iruka sensei wasn't there, Naruto breathed a sigh of relief and went to his seat at the back of the class and sat down.

A minute later Iruka came in with Mizuki and got everyone to quieten down before he began.

"Alright class as I'm sure you all know today is the ninja exams, first you will all be doing the test sheet then we will head into the training ground to do the Kunai and shurikin test and then last will be the Jutsu test" he said and went on to explain how each test will work which the students already know.

Once he finished explaining he handed out the test papers to everyone and told them to start.
Naruto groaned as he looked at the test

One hour later: Naruto PoV

The test paper was difficult but luckily I think I got enough to pass so I should be fine.

The throwing test was easy and I was able to get 7/10 on the shurkin and 7/10 on the kunai.

After the kunai and shurikin tests we came back to the classroom where we currently are now waiting for Iruka Sensei to call us up so we can take our Jutsu test

3rd person PoV

A Student was called making said student stand up an leave the room only to come back a few minutes later with a Hitai wrapped around his head.

"Naruto Uzumaki!" Iruka called

Naruto got up and started walking down, as he walked down to the front of the class he notices most of the kid looking at him and laughing probably thinking that he will fail.

"what are you laughing at, just watch I'm going to ace this exam and then become the greatest Ninja ever Belive it!!" Naruto shouts before stomping out of the room in a very immature fashion.

His response however only makes the kids laugh harder, all except for a few, these kids are Shikamaru and Choji who didn't feel like berating Naruto, Ino who just didn't care, Sasuke who never laughed, Sakura who was to busy fawning over Sasuke, shino who like Sasuke Never laughed and Hinata who was wishing Naruto the best of luck.

As soon as Naruto walked out of his Classroom he straightened up and walked to the exam room with a calm expression.

As he entered the exam room he saw Iruka and Mizuki sitting at a table, Iruka had a professional look on his face while Mizuki was smiling at Naruto. Naruto didn't know why but Mizuki gave him a bad feeling, every time he smiled it made a shiver run up Narutos spine.

"alright Naruto first is the substitution Jutsu" Iruka said

Naruto did hand sign for the substitution Jutsu and switched with a log that was in the room for this test.

"perfect Now is the transformation Jutsu"

Again Naruto did the hand sign before a puff of smoke engolfed him and then cleared a minute later to reveal the 3rd hokage.

Iruka and Mizukis eyes widen when they saw the perfect replica of the 3rd, Iruka couldn't help but smile "well done Naruto" Iruka praised

The 3rd transformed back to show a grinning Naruto "told you I could do it Iruka Sensei"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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