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It was around 5:00 pm when I woke up. from my nap.

I feel someone's arms wrapped around and everything came flashing back Today after a long period of time i felt warm, protected, safe and at last Home She was my home

Y/n was my home and everything that revolves around her makes me fall deeper for her

I opened my eyes and saw the most beautiful woman sleeping beside me I used my index finger and traced her face

From her perfect eyebrows, pointed nose and swollen pump lips

"Keep going" she said in a deep voice, maybe she's still sleepy

She opened her right eye and smiled. I could die peacefully now. thought that I would see Y/n smiling at me again

I smiled back at her and she pecked my lip "Hey! You can't steal kisses like that" I dramatically said

"But I can" she said as she pulled me closer to her. I nuzzled my face on her neck and inhaled her vanilla scent

I missed her so much "I'm scared" she said and I cannot help but to hold my tears "I'm sorry" I said as I buried my self deeper to her

"Don't be" she said and kissed the top of my head "we won't learn if that didn't happen"

"I love you so much Y/n" I said "I love you too Jennie Kim'' she says and that was when my tears fell

"Don't cry please" she said "I'm not crying" I defended "it was just that your room is too dusty"

"It's not!" she said "What happens now?" I asked, cannot stop myself from asking "I don't know but what matter is that we don't have anything that will hold us back now" she said

"I love you so much" I said "Stay with me tonight?" she asked me

"I don't have clothes" I said "Cooome on, you can just use mine" she whined still cute as ever "It won't fit me" I pouted "It will" she says as she pecks my lip


"Y/n" I said as she was looking at me apologetically

"I'm sorry" she says as she was smiling innocently

"You just overcooked noodles!" I said "you really can't cook anything can you?"

"Nope, that's why I need you to be with me all the time" she said

"Touché" I said and laugh

As we were eating our dinner the doorbell rang "You expect someone?" I asked

"No, none of my girls know my place" she said "Girls?!" I exclaimed and cannot help myself to feel jealous

She just smiled as the doorbell rang again "We'll talk later" I eyed her a warning look "I'll wait for you inside the room"

As I made way towards her room Later on I heard two people talking as Y/n says "Daddy, what are you doing here?" I heard Y/n said

"I heard the commotion that happened earlier" Marco said

"Daddy..." Y/n was going to explain but she was cut of by Marco

"Y/n, please she dosen't deserve you" Marco said and that stung me because it was true "I love her and that's the only thing that matters" Y/n said

"What if she'll hurt you again?" Marco asked "She won't" Y/n defended "I'm sure she will" Marco said

"She won't!" Y/n shouted "Y/n, I'm telling you to distance yourself, I'm just telling you what's the best for you" that was the last words Marco said before a loud bang of the door was heard

After that I heard the bedroom door opened and the next thing I knew was I was at her arms being wrapped in a protective manner

"I'm sorry about that" she says as again buried my head at her chest "I deserved that" I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around her waist

"No you don't" she says as she rubbed small circles around my back "we'll find a way out of this"

"I love you" I say

"I love you more" She replied She pulled away from the hug and cupped my jaw

She slowly leaned in while staring at my lips. It was my instincts that told me to lick my lips and part them slightly

I closed my eyes as I felt her lips with mine. It was slow and passionate It was everything.

The kiss meant everything She kissed me like there's no tomorrow and I kissed her like there's no tomorrow It was not a rush kiss

it was the kiss that everyone deserve. A kiss that will make you feel special, someone who you loved

We eventually pulled away from the kiss and she leaned her forehead with mine as she stared right through my soul "Will you be mine again Jennie Kim?" she ask

"I've been your's since forever" I said as i kissed her again

The kiss deepened and deepened until her phone rang and I was the first to pull away

She smiled at me and went through her phone "Guess council will have to summon me tomorrow" she said as she showed me her phone

"Y/n.." I said feeling guilty about everything that took place "It's ok. I did nothing wrong" she says as she pecked my lips

"Now let's finish the noodles, it will turn cold" she said and pulled me towards the kitchen

"I'll cook better noodles the next time" she winked I laughed and sat on one of the counter chairs

"I missed you" I said as she looked at me and smiled

This was the real me, Jennie Kim would not be Jennie Kim without Y/n Y/l/n by her side I will forever love this girl in front of me even the whole world is against us I will fight for her this time, no matter what the circumstances come, I will never ever let go again

"I missed you too" she said and I smiled in return but I remembered something "Now" I started and she eyed me curiously tell me about the girls you've been And I saw her gulp

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