Part 1

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"WAIT BAKUB-" *slash* ...... to late now, the built red head soldier runs towards the upset king. He brought his tan hands up towards the kings armored shoulder attempting to get his attention before he was slapped off. "Come on Bakubro why would yo-" , " I don't like fucking lairs or waiting" he said in slow ridge voice laced with venmon. Guessing that the red head didn't get the message he attempted to speak again but was cut off once again.

"But he had a fa-" , " STOP TALKING SHITTY HAIR....FUCK I DONT HAVE TIME FOR UNNECESSARY me and favor and stop wasting my oxygen with stupid ass questions". Kirishima looked down to his feet "yes sire" he said quietly but not quietly enough to go unheard. " Don't start your whining aren't you an alpha  , better yet make yourself useful for once and get the horses ready to go".  Bakugo picked up his sword swishing it in the air to remove some of the blood from the now deceased man. "Fucking mutt" he lowly growled  wiping the rest of the blood on the mans clothes.

Kirishima came back with a tall black horse and a few men. Noticing the disrespect in front of him he glared and let's out a small growl but not too loud, he wouldn't want Mr.Madass to come over and start shit up. The horses are here, but what are you gonna do with the body ?" The red head questioned. " In the woods to rot like the piece of shit he is" Bakugo replies along with a frustrated grunt. He quickly gets on the horse and continues to ride his route home with the men and kirishima following not to far behind. Kirishima gives him a small frown knowing how much time and effort his friend is putting into this investigation only to end up with disappointments.

"We should rest here Bakugo, it's getting dark and we don't have enough men". With that the Ash blonde gives him a small nod. He orders his men to tie up the horses while he sniffs the surrounds for any rouges. Luckily there wasn't any around.......for now but nothing he can't handle. He gathers some things that would look "comfy" like some leaves and grass and a long to lean on. He felt as though he was a bit mean to kiri so he made the little space a bit bigger so they can share.

"Shitty hair you can lay with me....if you want but don't say I'm always mean to you or don't do shit for you" he said looking slightly away from his smiling friend. "Take that stupid smile off your face" he lightly smiles and his friend comes plopping down next to him. They both fall asleep after taking one last sniff around the area

Hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*Heavy foot steps*
*heavy panting*

I'm running. I'm running as fast as I can. This is it this should be it. time to think just run. The omega continues to run as he hears multiple foot steps behind him. I cant..*inhale* keep r-running *exhale*. Soon enough he drops and suddenly his vision goes blurry. With the leftover strength he pulls himself up to a tree on a pile of soft grass. "Is this it?" He though to himself. Tears slowly fell down his pink cheeks and he fully looses consciousness.

"Awwww how can you run away from us". The unknown beta man said as he walked towards the unconscious omega , lightly touching the young ones face. " He was crying, he can't hate us that much" another unknown a alpha female this time speaking up making a.... sad face ? "I mean we have him everything, I don't know about you but that hurt my feelings and I think he should know how I feel...physically" Both the unknown man and women smiled and laugh but that soon ended when a strong scent was picked up.

Their smiles fell as one ( the female) turned into a wolf about as big a a log standing around 4 feet on all fours . She was tan with sharp canines and golden eyes that were blood thirsty. The make on the other hand reach over his shoulder to retrieve his sword. They soon got into defense mode making as little noise as possible. A few minutes pass by and there already tired of waiting so they sniff this scent out already sensing another alpha around... a strong one.

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