Chapter Uno

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I finished packing my bags to go meet my idol and inspiration, Shawn Peter Raul Mendes (aka The Muffin Man). I was going to California for his concert and meet and greet.

Obviously I wasn't alone because my friend, Gina, was already there in California with her family. I was meeting her there.

I run downstairs almost tripping on the steps but blessed by The Lord that I didn't. "MOMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!" I yell loudly and very impatiently. She was driving me to the airport.

"Coming! I'm coming!" she yells back walking down the stairs smoothly. "All set?" she says looking at me. I nod and fly through the door (not literally but close enough) and into the car.

My mom drops me off at the airport and I say goodbye telling her I would be back soon. I might stay with Gina a couple days after the show.

I check my suitcase, go through customs and security, and make my way to Gate C 23. I quickly stop in at Starbucks (sorry #whitegirlforlife ) and get a mocha frap to go in those glass bottles and a blueberry muffin.

Waiting to board, I take out my ear buds and plug em' in. I put shuffle on Shawn's album and Stitches comes on.

Usually I would be singing at the top of my lungs and head banging hard rn but I just move my head quietly to the beat instead.

When I finally board I go to my seat and scoot over to the window seat. I take out my muffin and right as I'm about to bite into it someone plops down right next to me.

I look up and drop the muffin and the frap, spilling it everywhere. I have really small ears too so my ear phones pop out of my ears and you can hear it playing Something Big.

He looks up at me into my eyes and he is speaking words but I can't hear them. I'm simply staring at him like a complete idiot.

He starts waving his hand in front of my face and I snap out of it. "Hello? A little help here haha" I look down and see his pants are stained from my drink.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I really am I'm so clumsy and ugh..." I trail off babbling but who wouldn't when your idol is sitting next to you?

I hand him a napkin, "it's okay, I'm clumsy too." he wipes the rest off his jeans and I take the dirty napkin and put it in the paper bag the muffin came in.

"Sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Sha-" I cut him off and say "Shawn Mendes. I know. I am a huge fan and you are my inspiration, sitting right next to me. I think I'm going to cry. I'm on my way to California to go to your show right now".

"Wow that's awesome! Don't cry tho I don't want your beautiful face in tears" he says sincerely. My heart skipped a beat. Maybe a few beats. Am I alive right now?

He looks down at the muffin in my lap and licks his lips discreetly but I noticed. Instantly I shove the muffin to him. "What? Are you giving this to me?" he asks innocently.

"Ya, I'm not really hungry anyways" I lied. I was starving! I hadn't eaten at all this morning! But I didn't care. Besides, I'll get the free pretzels when we lift off.

"Thank you..." he was obviously looking for a name. "Ali" I say smiling. he smiles too and my heart melts. I love his smile so much.

I realize my music was still playing and he must have too because then he said "Hey, that song sounds rather familiar..." he smirks. I blush really hard and fumble to get my phone and turn it off.

The captain starts talking through the speakers and interrupts us. Shawn is looking at the flight attendant at the front of the plane demonstrating how to put a life vest on. I am looking at him.

This is going to be an interesting flight.


Hey guyssss so when I get 20 reads then I'll update bc I'm really excited about this fanfic idk why so tell your friends, tell your dog, tell your carpet, tell the stranger on the street (btw if you actually do all of these props to you tell me in my comments lol)

Insta: @cuddlieshawn


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