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"Na Jaemin-ssi is not dead."

And now they have good news to share with Jeno once he gains consciousness. Still hesitant, Doyoung pries, "How...is he doing now then?"

The lady who had answered looks up from her desk and meets his eyes seriously.

"Jaemin-ssi is getting treatments for an internal wound. He will have a 100% recovery, but there will be a scar and it will take time. As for Kim Junkyu, he's been taken for questioning on the occurrence but we suspect late Watanabe Haruto had some sort of conflict with Na Jaemin before police arrived. The Interview with Kim will be held today."

Before she could peacefully return to her work, Yedam piped up nervously," The doctor said Mr. Kim Junkyu is not mentally stable for such questioning to be taking place."

The lady pulls up her eyeglasses and sighs at Yedam's sensitive question. "We cannot be too concerned about it. The interview needs to be held within the next 48 hours, as the first request of Kim Junkyu was to hold Watanabe Haruto a funeral. He wishes to be there for it."

Jihoon, amidst the commotion, gets up from his chair abruptly. Jeno, who had fainted on his shoulder hits his head onto Park's seat and wakes up drowsily.

"What do you mean Watanabe Haruto's funeral?!"

"Oh, were you lot not informed? The culprit, Haruto is dead."

FILE #874


DATE: **.**.****
- - -

Questioner :
"How are you feeling?"

Kim Junkyu :
*notable hesitation*
"Nothing. I'm...I'm fine, shaken up."

Questioner :
"Let's begin. Firstly, describe Mr. Haruto, from your time in captivity."

Kim Junkyu :
"He was very kind to me. But if I said something that upset him he'd hit me a couple times. I believe I've had it relatively easy compared to other people you say are 'taken away.'

Questioner :
"And how were you kidnapped by Watanabe Haruto?"

Kim Junkyu :
*victim seems to think response through thoroughly*
"One morning I woke up at home, he told me that he was Jaemin and... Yes, we stayed there for a few nights before I was brought to Mrs. Cho Aecha's former residence."

Questioner :
"It seems you hesitate to tell us the full details? Were you brought to Aecha's building with your consent? How were the days with Mr. Haruto at your cottage?"

Kim Junkyu :
*victim is conflicted about answer*
"He was quite hostile at first but then he sort of... warmed up? He... He did not... Consult with me before bringing me to the building."

Questioner :
"Then how did it happen?"

Kim Junkyu :
*polygraph indicates the possibility of dishonesty*
"I do not remember exactly, but I fought through... A bit, and then I woke up at Aecha's."

Questioner :
"Let me ask again, how exactly did Mr. Watanabe bring you to Aecha Residence?"

Kim Junkyu :
*victim's heart rate and breathing abnormally high, requesting health unit*
"Well... Uhm... I can't..."

Mr. Kim is unavailable to us. They have disconnected mentally, potential trauma, or anxiety attack.
Clue - possible traumatic incident(s) occurred during the transition from Kim's house to Cho Aecha's building, which caused discomfort to Kim to reminisce.

Questioner :
"Mr. Kim, we will take a break, please resolve internal conflicts and proceed with a clear mind."

-Meeting Temporarily Adjourned-

Questioner :
"Hello Mr.Kim, let's continue. When you were found in Cho Aecha's building, Na Jaemin was also there, injured. Can you explain this? A timeline of your journey beside captor Haruto?"

++Recording Continues To Play

- - -

Jihoon holds the plastic grocery bag with his right hand as he strides through the corridor, he was on his way to visit Jaemin, who was still yet to fully recover. Junkyu, on the other hand, regained his house and was now getting the condition fixed after the breakthrough.

The police still lingered around the hospital area to get reports from doctors and information from the 2 victims, they also communicated with their psychologists.

But once again, he hears that familiar voice as he reaches Jaemin's door. He was informed that Jaemin was asleep. But the person is talking to Detective Sungwon this time. They are still soft, he can't hear them evidently.

"You are...Assistant Park .... see.... promotion!"

"Sir...kind! But had you....happened?"

"Never! It was....you! Hah!"



Before Jihoon can run away from the door when he heard footsteps approaching, detective Sungwon pushes open the door and gets startled when he sees wide-eyed Jihoon looking back at him.

"Detective... What are you doing in Jaemin's room? He's sleeping."

"Oh, I discussed some things with him, and I was just talking to my assistant, and now I'm... Coming to discuss something with you!"

Before Jihoon could refuse and go inside to see who the mysterious assistant was, Sungwon grabs his arm and pulls him away. Jihoon is suspicious but can't do anything as the detective drags him to the other side of the corridor.

"What is it, detective?"

"Junkyu was released today earlier as you know, from today he is allowed to return to his activities but he will not be attending this half term. He requested that from tomorrow onwards, after the funeral, that you would stay with him for a little."

Jihoon rubbed his tired eyes; relieved. "Yeah, sure, I'm glad to stay with him."

Sungwon smiles approvingly, and he pats Jihoon shoulder and sends him off. Though, as soon as Jihoon was left alone he dashed to Jaemin's room. Unfortunately, the only man inside was a sleeping Jaemin, he looked peaceful and undisturbed. There was a man here, before.

'Assistant Park.' The assistant with the faint familiar voice.

Who is he?


A/n: What does this add to the storyline?

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