Date to Rescue! Wait, What?!

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Haruka gazed up toward the sky, admiring the never ending blue celling. He was patiently waiting for a certain someone to emerged from inside of the Sweet Shoppe, a shop that sells..sweets.

'I should've known that she would want to buy lots of chocos..'

He giggled upon remembering his girlfriend's face at the mention of her favourite delicies.

'Nico is such a cutie~'

Lowering his gaze from the blue sky, he heard the bell of the sweet shoppe chimed as a cute brown-haired girl walked out of its door. The said girl turned around and beamed towards him.

'Lei~I'm coming~~'

She waved and jogged towards Haruka, her skirt fluttered dangerously around her legs, showing off a little of her tender skin.

Haruka gulped and blushes red when he realised that he was staring at those milky white thighs.

'H-Hey Nico! Statisfied with the sweet shop now?'

Haruka smiled and secretly pinched the side of his hips to stop staring at Nico's fluttering skirt.

'Haruka, you pervert!'

He mentally slapped himself. Nico gingerly raised a brown paperbag.

'Yup yup~! There is all kinds of chocolates in there! Bon bons and Pockies~!'

She chatted, her eyes glowed with pure excietment. Haruka laughs.

'But you have to cut down a bit so Tasyaa won't be mad at you, okay?'

He draws an arm on Nico's shoulder and urged her to walk along. Nico pouted and hugged the paperbag.

'That'll be hard. Lei, you know I loves chocolates!'

She rambles and fished a warped bon bon chocolate from inside the paperbag.

Haruka sighed and smiles at her adorableness. They kept on walking alongside the busy rows of shops and cafes, chatting and Nico eating sweets everytime.

Haruka cherished his time with Nico. He would never do anything else (studying and work as an exception) other than having a pleasant date with his girl.

Suddenly a spark of steel blue, dashed beside them and leaving wind gushing through in their hot trail.

The couple stopped walking and stared gaping.

'Lei! Isn't that Casey just now??'

Haruka stared at Nico in disbelief. The dashing person went pass them in a blur. Yet Nico can actually identifies the person!

'You think so..? 0.o'

He shrugged. Nico nodded and pointed away.

Haruka followed her pointing finger and saw a blonde running towards them, panting and sweating a lot.

'Yup. I'm pretty sure..'

Nico lowered her hand. Jack approches them and rested his hands on his knees.

'H-have you guys *pants* seen Casey *pants* pass by here?'

The poor blonde was out of breath. He looked panicked and worried.

'Yeah, we did. Cool down, Jack! What's wrong?'

Haruka puts a hand on Jack's shoulder. Jack took a deep breath and stands up straight.

'It's Za, she got involves in a fight again and its an unfair versus!'

Jack clenched his teeth in a frustrated manner. Handling Zaza's fighting problems is usual for him. Heck, she even manage to win in all of her fights.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2015 ⏰

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