Story 3

810 11 7

Authors note:

Sorry for taking so long lol hope you guys like this new chapter

Slight smut at the end

"○" pov


A sound of a buzzer awakes me from my sleep, I groan and pull the thin blankets over my head. I didn't really sleep well last night, I think I was too excited for today.

I get up and stretch, feeling a sharp pain in my back which makes me wince. Ugh these beds are so shitty! They give better beds to the players, and MOST OF THEM DIE. But OF COURSE they give the shitty beds to the workers who keep this place clean and not smelling like the plauge.

I grumble and put on my mask and jumpsuit, I want nothing but to just go back to bed and cuddle with him, not like they'd allow it anyway.

I stand in front of my room and let the machine do the headcount, once it's done we start heading to our positions for the next game.

I walk slightly quicker than the rest of my co-workers, eager to get to see S again, maybe we will get to hold hands? Hopefully we'll be close enough to eachother that we can! My whole body feels like its buzzing with excitement, my heart feels like its pounding a hundred miles per-hour, my face is so red under my mask that it's hot.

"Slow down."

Is that him?? I turn my head slightly to see who is next to me and-

... Its just a stupid soldier. God damn it, maybe Im a little too exited haha.

We move into the room, getting ready for the players to move in.

I turn my head to another worker and we start chatting about the next game, The next game is capture the flag, ah it gives me memories of when I was a kid except.... less death and such.

Players start moving in, the computer lady starts explaining the game and before I know it, its already started.

Players are running around in their teams, working together, a few of them are fighting.

I start dazing out, just standing and thinking about other shit like.. what type of food are they gonna give us today? Did I brush my teeth this morning? Should I do a workout after the game? My mind wanders off


My thinking stops as a player grabs my shoulders and squeezes them hard and starts shaking me.

"GET ME OUT OF HERE, WHY ARE YOU FUCKERS KILLING US?! WHY?" He screams. I can only sit there frozen, unable to respond, like I'm watching this play out from inside of my body.


Blood splatters across my mask. my ears are ringing and are in extreme pain from the sound of the gunshot.
A limp, lifeless body falls onto my chest, I push it onto the floor out of shock and disgust.

"Player 055 elimated"

I look up and see.. him. S gently grabs me and seems to be talking to me, but I can't hear him from my ears still ringing, I can only stare at him dumbly.

He turns his head and seems to be talking to another superior. He grabs my arm and makes me follow him out of the game room.

We walk for a while until I'm in a place that I don't recognize. walking down hallways and rooms until we come to a door, he opens it showing a clean, nice bedroom.

Its bigger than mine and has a bed with actual blankets that aren't paper thin, a small table and chair, a mirror with sink, and a small separate room for a toilet and shower.

I think I hate all superiors now.

He gently moves me to sit on the bed and pulls my hood down, he gently moves the black body suit to only show my ears, I think he's making sure they aren't bleeding?

I hear him speak, its muffled like im underwater.

"Can ___ hear _?" Is what I could make out, "kinda" I respond back.

He sits besides me and gently rubs my back, we sit there for a while until he speaks again. "How about now?".

"Still a little muffled, like my ears popped, but yeah I can hear way better"

"That's good" he leans his head on my shoulder. "Im.. I'm sorry you had to see that, I just saw that.. that player come up to you and touch you and it just made me so.. angry at the thought he could hurt you".

I gently put my hand on his shoulder "hey no its okay, besides its kinda cute that you're protective of me. Though you're probably gonna get a stern talking to from the headmaster for killing a player".

He chuckles, "yeah probably, its worth it though".

He moves his head to face me and gently lifts his mask, then mine, and kisses me. He pulls away but I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back, leaning into it.

Everything feels fuzzy again, like we're floating, time seems to blur. We make out for hours, heat and our bodies moving against eachother. I just want to stay with him like this.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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