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My heavy legs dragged my tired body throughout the hallways of our school. My hands trembled due to the ache in my chest caused by you. I thought I could trust you? We had so much planned for our lives ahead of us...

Biology, your favourite lesson. I slumped my body onto my chair, avoiding any social contact with anybody. I laid my head on my desk, gazing at the steamed window, watching rain droplets fall, one after another. I can't stop thinking about you, you were everything to me.

I sensed your presence next to me, smelling the musk of your cologne, inhaling it deep into my lungs. I sat up with a small amount of hope you were there, instead I was greeted my the disappointment of an empty chair.

"Excuse me? May I take this chair? Since nobody sits here anymo-" a soft and sympathetic voice spoke

"No. No you may not." I cut them off. This chair was yours. It always will be yours.

Before I knew it class was over and lunch period had begun. The rush of students swarmed the school grounds like rabid animals. Why am I the only one who has to suffer? Doesn't anybody care anymore? Was summer break enough for them to weep in sorrow? Well, I suppose so.

All I had was an apple, although it was enough for me, considering the state im in because of you. I can't blame you really. I could've been there for you more, I could've helped you study for that test you stressed over, I could've stopped trying to live in a fairytale and perhaps open my eyes for once. Well, my eyes are wide open now but that doesn't change the fact you're dead, does it?

I loved you really, your eyes were a trap. Like a worm in a cage of birds, no escape.

You were a trap. A fatal one too.

We always talked about that mystery crush of yours, remember when I thought I found her in the crowd of the cafeteria from the brief description you gave me? But no name, huh? Typical you.

I guess I'll never know who she was but that doesn't matter anymore.

I still cry myself to sleep every night knowing you won't come back but my unconditional love for you will never end. Remember that.

Ive come to my senses for once and realised love is just a feeling to make humans breed, its nothing more, and certainly not worth the tears.

I remember you said you loved the stars in fact, i grew to love them too. Its funny how they seem to shine a little brighter now that you have joined them.

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