The tree

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Rejected chapter from my main story
That day was bright. It was hot that summer day and Neil wasn't having any of it. He leaned his back against the tree near the mess hall. He hated his summer camp, it was hot and gross and full of dirt, he hated it. He tugged at his sweater a bit, the heat making him uncomfortably sweaty, at least he had some shade .This day wasn't different in particular , Max had gone to piss off Gwen and Nikki ran around with Nerris and Dolph. He finally had some alone time and closed his eyes,,,until he felt a shadow  cover his face. As Neil scowled under his breath, he squinted his eyes open.

"What?" Neil said in his whiny voice.

"Hey Kiddo!" It was David, he crouched down to kinda Neils size. He had a grin on his face with desperation. "We were asking some campers if they'd like to hang out with one of the other kiddos! And since they all said no- '' He shifted his gaze to Gwen , who was now behind him looking bored as ever, she was holding something but Neil couldn't make it out very well. "-and you didn't look too busy, we were wondering if you'd like to have some fun-!"

"Look after Spacekid." Gwen said in a dull tone interrupting David's long spiel, plopping Spacekid who was once under her arm right next to Neil. " Everyone said no and if you don't we'll take away your test tubes." Neils face was filled with upsetness as Spacekid looked around, smiling to have someone to talk to for once. He tried to argue but before he could Gwen walked away, dragging David with her. David thanked Neil for being with Spacekid before catching up with Gwen. Neil looked over to Spacekid who'd been staring at him. It made him quite uncomfortable.

"Hiya Neil!!" The young astronaut said, scooting a bit closer to Neil. "Whatcha wanna do?"  He smiled at Neil, his cheeks squished against the glass dome on his head. Neil loathes the pain of having to hang out with him and groans, sliding down until he's laying on the ground. Spacekid was confused at what Neil was doing on the ground but decided to join him. He scooted back a bit and layed on the ground next to Neil. The helmet made it quite uncomfortable to lay like this, making him stuck, but Spacekid wasn't gonna make that stop him from hanging out with his friend. He layed in a star position next to Neil. " Maybe we can.... Look at the stars from the ground!" Spacekid suggested, looking up at the sky. " I think i see one right now!"

"It's day time , dumbass. You can't see any stars in the sky during the day." Neil snarky said, rolling his eyes.

"The sun is a star you know." Spacekid said.

"I know that obviously." Neil said back. He didn't like talking to Spacekid for a few reasons, but his main reason was that he was an idiot. Even when Spacekid had his smart moments it didn't make it better.

"All suns are actually stars, but not all stars are suns- we just call our sun a star." He paused for a second, "or maybe it's just our sun that's a star-" he continued .The young astronaut rolled to his side facing Neil, half of his face pressed against the glass of his helmet. He put his hand on the glass near his mouth, gently rubbing it since he couldn't actually touch his face. "Uhhh...... I think I said that right." As Spacekid tried to put together what he was saying Neil stared at the sky, trying to pretend that Spacekid wasn't there. The leaves swayed gently in the wind, the wind was cool and slow. As Spacekid kept talking in a jumbled mess he noticed Neil wasn't paying attention and decided to check if he was ok. He tried to get up - but it was an absolute fail. It felt like it was impossible to get up for some reason. He tried and failed a few times. Spacekid tried a few other ideas. He used his cape to wave it around Neil . It only made Neil scrunch his face and turn it away. No matter how loud Spacekid spoke or called Neils name he wouldn't respond. Spacekid got the brilliant idea to roll over to Neil, to be closer. Perfect! He rolled to get right next to Neil.

Except he completely over shot it.

You see, Spacekid didn't know Neil was close to him, so instead of rolling to be next to Neil, he rolled on top of Neil. He was now laying on Neil, his helmet touching Neils face. It looked incredibly weird to any outsider, like Spacekid was trying to make a move on the Nerd. It sure did shock Spacekid, and absolutely shocked Neil. Neil's face went red and yelled at the idiot to get off. Spacekid sat up but just sank more into Neils lap making it worse- He scolded Spacekid for trying to lay on him ,sitting up himself, and even with Spacekid's apologies Neil wasn't having it. Spacekid tried to explain why he did what he did to make things better.

"I was just trying to see if you were ok! So I rolled over to you- well on you- but you looked dead!" Spacekid put his hands up, trying to show that what he was doing wasn't bad.

"You thought getting on top of me was a good idea?!!?"

"Yes!! Wait- I didn't MEAN to go on top of you! Just on the side of you!" Neil tried to process what Spacekid meant and shook his head.

"What are you guys DOING?"

Neil's head jolted up from the voice. Preston was standing there watching all of this go down. He gasps and covers his mouth. " Are- are you TWO-?" He didn't even finish his sentence before he began to jump up and down. They were both confused as Preston squealed. Neil began to shove Spacekid off but Preston stopped him. "It's OK. This is a PERFECT story! AN intellectual with an IDIOT will be PERFECT for MY new lovers PLAY! " He posed dramatically. As Neils face scrunched up he yelled at Preston to not do anything of the sort. Neil stood up , leaving the star obsessed boy to fall to the ground. Neil marched over to the theater kid and began to argue back and forth. Spacekid sat up and sat next to the tree again, grabbing his cape to fiddle with it as the 2 older boys yelled back and forth. This went on for several minutes until Preston gave up , leaving the 2 boys to their solitude again. It was normal for arguments to happen so no one noticed.

Neil plopped down next to Spacekid, pushing his hair down a bit. He murmured something under his breath, but it was too quiet for the young boy to hear. It was quiet between the both of them, one being annoyed and the other one being embarrassed from the whole ordeal. Spacekid glanced at Neil to try to make conversation, but he just leaned back on the tree behind him.

"I'm sorry Neil." He mumbledly said, looking down at his shoes. He felt bad that he did that but Neil put his arm around the astronaut, making him perk up a bit from the sudden touch.

"Its ok you Idiot.Just don't do that again." Neil gave a small smirk and he slowly took his arm away, putting it by his side. The young boy couldn't help but smile and he felt a lot better after that.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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