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Dr. Milo barged into the room " everybody that's a human hide zaius is coming over!"  Milo said, every body scrambled to hide except for Einstein the 3rd who just stood there with Archimedes. Dr. Zaius and general urus walked into the room " congratulations on your pregnancy what will you name her?" Dr. Zaius asked "either Cornelia or Lisa" zira said "why are there dogs in here!" He exclaimed as  Archimedes peed on zaius while Einstein bit urus in the arm. Nova bashed zaius on the head with urus' baton wich split his skull while verne shot urus in the stomach. After that they announced the killing of zaius by an unknown human and the disappearance of urus as a mystery still.

2 weeks later...

Cornelius and dr.milo showed off the flying machine for the first time and dubbed it "the air ship" they  also showed off a working telephone similiar to grambell's. And it all ended happily every after

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