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I was carrying zavier to another room I opened the door inside was two bed's and sofa's I laid him on one of the bed's and went out to tie the woman up and called cyra

"Hey cyra?" I said

"Yeah?" I heard

And so I told her everything I knew and it was silent for a few minutes before


I lean away from my phone as cyra start to ramble about killing someone after a few minutes I put my phone near my ear again

"You done?" I asked

"Yeah yeah" she answered

"Well hurry up teme" I said

"Yea I'm almost there" I hear

"Good" I answer as I hung up

I went and tidy things up and order some food for all of us after a while after a while there was a notification that the food was outside so I was about to get it but as I open the door I saw

"Eh? Cyra?" I said

She was holding a plastic bag

"That's really sweet of you to buy us food (m/n)" she said

"Ah?" I asked

"I saw someone with a bag at front and asked him does he need something he said he was delivering food under you name do I bought it here"

She explained as she went it and put the food at the desk as I closed the door


she then turn around as I saw killing intent leaking from her as I backed away a little

"Who's the bitch that tried to hurt my brother?" She asked

"Ah... I tied her up she's still knocked out right now"
I said sweatdroping

She sigh and went towards the lounge as I followed her she went to her brother as I sat in one of the sofas

"He black out when I was fighting her" I said

"Did she did something to him" I heard her muter

3rd person's POV

The brunette sigh as she went to the sofa and sat across her freind waiting with him

"You should rest cyra I'll wake you up when he's awake"

The bluenette said smiling slightly at the other's worry

"But what if something happens to him while he's asleep-"

the brunette said continueing her short rant after a while and calmed down

"It'll be fine cyra just take a rest alright"

The bluenette said pating the younger's head as the younger blush a little as she just nod and lay down on the sofa slowly falling asleep

The bluenette stood up and got back to the main room grabing the file's that was on the table with information about the killer as he read and study it a bit more

•~time skip~•

after getting another look at the information the bluenett went back inside and saw the albino trying to sat up as the bluenette rush to his side and laid him back down earning a grunt from the albino man

"Lay down for a sec teme"
he said towards the albino

"Whatever baka"

the other muttered unhappy but complied anyways

"What time is it?" The albino said

"6:30 am" the other said

"6:30 am?!"The albino scream

The albino sat up while screaming while the other shush him pointing at the sleeping brunette

"Have you slept" the albino asked

"Ah not yet I lost track of time reading information on last night"
The other said scratching his neck

(M/n)'s POV

I sudently felt myself get pulled down and sudently my back is on something soft and something is on my chest it took me a couple seconds but I realized that I was laying down on the bed and zavier body was ontop of me his head on my chest as my face heat's up a little

"Ne zavier what's wrong?" I asked

"Go to sleep teme" he muttered

He then nuzzled into my chest as I just sigh trying to calm down after a while I finally manage to get tired and sleep

•~time skip~•

I got waken up by a flash Infront of my face as I opened my eyes I saw cyra taking pictures?

"Cyra?" I asked

"Ah ohayo (m/n)"
she said smiling

3rd person's POV

"Ohayo" the bluenette said

The bluenette was about to get up but felt weight on top of him remember that morning

'righ I was draged to bed'
The bluenette though

He moved the man ontop of him and got up checking his phone it was 9:45 he grabbed a piece of paper from his pocket and type something on his phone

"What you doin?" The brunette said

"Adding the leaders phone number" the bluenette muttered

"Oh~" the brunette said

The bluenette then went to sit at the couch followed by the brunette



Hello who is this?:

: I'm (m/n) the one you saw the other night

Ah alright I'm guessing you: would like to know the building location?

:Yes if that's alright

Ofcourse I'll send you the: coordinates

:Thank you

The bluenette turn of his phone putting it on the coffee table as he stood up going inside a room in the corner while the brunette stayed on the couch reading a book she got From the table as the male came back the Plastic bag from before in his hand putting it on the table getting out one of the container opening it eating the food

"What's that?" The brunette asked

the bluenette Said after swallowing

"Can I have some?" The female asked

"In the bag" the male muttered

After a while the male closed the container getting his phone and going out taking the elevator and went out of the building checking his phone and opening the coordinates at his phone and start to walk there after a while I made it into a....

assassin for a green blob (re-write)Where stories live. Discover now