Chapter 2

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“Cheetah, are you happy with the job that they gave you?” a man with a mustache asked  Randhir.

“Panther, you should be grateful for getting this opportunity,” Randhir assured him with that man's  code name Panther.

Code names are for computers and machines, but there are places where code names are applicable for humans too.

These are the places where many came and vanished into thin air as if they never existed, their names either are found in government records papers hidden in the deepest places or these records become feast of termites.

“Cheetah, don't you miss your family, what if something happens to you? Don't you have a wife waiting for you at home?” Panther spoke with creases over his face.

“Panther, we have shrouded ourselves with the cloth of death now nothing and no one should matter to us” Randhir spoke with adhere grit.

“I have lived my life to the fullest with family kids and wife but Cheetah, you are still young, how will your family and specially your wife will survive without you” Panther spoke with concern looking at Randhir's breathtaking youth.

“Panther, my wife died long ago and I don't have a family too, so no one will get hurt or affected by my absence” Randhir replied blankly.

Randhir made his way towards a common hall, it had pale green damp walls, roof leaking water. A stench of rain dampness covering the room welcomed Randhir.

He sat in a corner on an old cot, slowly he looked around to see if the hall was empty.

After assuring that he was the only human present in the place, he took out his wallet. A small photograph carefully kept inside the transparent column of the wallet tucked the heart strings of Randhir.

The woman who once ruled his heart looked over him with a smile through the old, tattered photograph of the wallet.

Fresh tears appeared in his eyes, he closed his eyes to remember his life Sanyukta, to once again reminisce her beautiful face in his memory.

A fire ignited in his heart, Randhir's subconscious again started longing for Sanyukta, his muscles soared with a sudden numbness.

The tears flowed without stoppage, that familiar ache transverse from his heart to his throat.

The lump in his throat made it difficult for him to breathe, at this point his surrounding felt lonely and alien to him.

The dampness of the place and aloofness of his heart made everything seem bleak and dull.

A trumpet sound brought him back to his senses, it was the signal to call night off.

Randhir quickly wiped his tears, hiding his wallet under the thin, hard mattress.

Slowly he heard footsteps, his co-workers cum friends started arriving in the hall. Soon the lights turned off and everyone dozed off to sleep, expect Randhir who kept tossing and turning unable to remove Sanyukta's image from his mind.

Soon the twilight arrived, a trumpet's voice blared as an alarm for everyone to wake up.

Everyone gathered in the ground at 4:30 am, the stars and moon were still glistening, but the air was cool and calm, the Cuckoo bird was singing something deep.

After a few minutes, dawn started breaking, a few sun rays  fell over the horizon. The sky had hues of pink, orange, golden, and yellow as if the almighty trying to paint the sky in his favorite colors.

Randhir looked at sun rays, since last 2 and half years he is watching the sunrises  and these beautiful sunrises are showing him the light to walk on the path of life otherwise he would have been a corpse long ago.

                 "Restless nights
                    Heavy heart '  
                   'Open eyes...'
                   'These small dreams in
               burdened minds dare to grow'

             ' A ray of sunlight in dark rooms
             ignites  hope and leaves,
        'The smell of dampness reminds you
            There is only loneliness'
             There is madness in everyone".

             ' A ray of sunlight in dark rooms             ignites  hope and leaves,         'The smell of dampness reminds you            There is only loneliness'              'Dreams,sunlight,smell              There is madness in everyone"

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