Chapter 3

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You walk along the hallways, overlooking the city you just conquered. The raider outpost you once called your home is now burning and in the distance you can see several large figures heading your way.

You look to Yvette. "We can't hold out."

"We have to try," she says, not looking at you. You continue to walk.

"What's that?" You point to the approaching horde.


You stop walking. "Are they friendly?"

"No. Not at all."

You remember the attack a few hours ago. You remember so many people you lost, and how close you were to losing Yvette. You also remember the cultists that were running away from the pirates.

Something touches your mind, and you realize that Yvette has just asked you a question. "What do you see when you look at me?"

You stare at her, wondering what she means.

"I see a lonely girl, afraid of what's to come. But also a fierce raider, who cares deeply about the ones close to her."

She looks at you. You see something in her eyes that you've never seen before: a hint of sadness. She bites her lip nervously.

"I see a scared girl, who's forced to fight for survival." You see a flash of pain cross her eyes. "But I also see a brave girl, who'll fight for what's right."

She looks away. "I don't know about any of that."

You sigh, and shake your head. "It doesn't matter. What matters right now is how we're going to get out of here." You stop, and think of something. "

"We've been through a lot," Yvette says. "We can continue being friends, if that's what you want."

You think about it for a moment. Then, you nod. "Of course it is."

Yvette looks away, shaking her head to herself. She seems confused, but accepts your answer. Then, she smiles. "We should get moving. The cultists are nearly here." She drops the act, and begins running towards the exit. You follow after her.

You run down the hallways. You hear the heavy panting of the cultists. They're not far off. You run along, finding the exit you came in.

You see a large cultist mob, numbering in the hundreds. They're waving torches in the air and yelling. You know they'd set the entire base alight if they could.

"Yvette!" You yell, breaking into a run. You sprint towards the horde. The cultists pay you no mind, focusing on bashing your allies with the torches.

Yvette holds her hand out to you. You grab it, finding the strength to pull her to you as you leap. You move your legs so they push you as you fly through the air. You let go of her hand as you reach the cultists. You land with a pounce, smashing into the nearest cultist and pushing him to the ground as you ram your sword into his back. You raise your blade and stab, killing him and saving Yvette the trouble.

There's no time to rest. You pounce onto another cultist, hoping to end this fight quickly. The two of you begin fighting each other. The crowd of cultists never even notice you.

You smash a cultist in the face with your gauntlets. You grab a man and break his neck. You throw another through a wooden beam, splinters flying. You fight another, pushing his back against a wall as you attempt to split his head open. You see Yvette fighting her own battle. Two cultists face her, but she fights with grace and power, killing one with a chop to the head and carving the other's face open with her claws.

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