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it's morning you wake up to see h/n next to you asleep. You turn over to grab you phone. It's 5:30 damn. You put both you feet on the floor and try to stand up but fall back on to the bed. You feel warm hands rubbing your shoulders "good morning baby~" h/n groans into you ear. He kisses you and gets up in front of you. He holds out his hands to help you get up so you grab hold of them and pull yourself up. You fall into his arms "was I to rough with you last night" he mocks.
"Shut up" you giggle. you kiss his chest and try stand up by yourself but you just fall into him again. He picks you up in a wedding holding style. "Where to darling" he tips you back a bit and pulls you up again. "The living room" you giggle. And he carries you to the couch and carefully places you there then walks into the kitchen to find something to eat. "Can you make me some pancakes pleaseeeee" you beg. He looks at you from the kitchen and rolls his eyes. "Finee" he laughs and you smile. You grab a blanket and cuddle up into it.

Few days later at school

You open you locker and chuck your coat into it. You couldn't be bothered to fold it so it was crumpled in there. You turn around to see Libby stood there wiggling her eyebrows at you "had fun with h/n then" she says. You go red "shut up Libby" you stutter. The bell rings. "Gotta gooo" Libby shouts as she runs away to get to her class as soon as possible. 'Dammit' you think 'I need to get to french'. As your making your way to the class you see h/n he smirks at you and you stick your middle finger up at him as your going even redder. You walk into your class and sit down next to the popular girl h/n's gf. She's a bitch she thinks she's just better and to add on to that she cheats. Any chance the cow gets she will cheat girl or boy any gender she couldn't care less. She could make a straight girl lesbian. Every time she cheats she'd boast about it to her slaggy friends. "Ugh can you move your chair a bit you fatass it taking up the whole table" she snarled. "At least a have a damn ass that isn't pure plastic" you answer. She looks at you in disbelief as some classmates laugh and snicker at her. She slams her pencil on the desk. "Shut up or I'll tell h/n that your being mean" she shouts. "Honey...h/n fucked me a few days ago don't think he's gonna do much" you laugh. Everyone including h/n stares at you. As you flick her pencil off the desk. H/n giggles a bit but quickly stops as his gf Tiffany gave him a death stare. "I mean if you gave him enough attention yourself he wouldn't of railed me" you sighed. Before she could say anything you added "I mean how is it fair your allowed to cheat but he isn't like haven't you fucked nearly every person in this damn school including most teachers" you look at the lines on your book and look back at Tiffany. "Shut up bitch at least I can fuck people" she stammers. "Yea but I don't have an orgy with 3 teachers 5 girls and 4 of the boys from the football team do I? like instead of being a £5 prostitute maybe stop being such a bitch and just shut the fuck up" you argue. You could see tears in her eyes as the other students are laughing at her. She stands up gets her stuff and darts out of the class crying. The teacher walks in and everyone stops laughing and sits up straight.

Cliff hanger besties I'll try get chapter 7 up soonnnnn <3

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