Chapter 2

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Mile's POV.
(This chapter begins right where I left off)
It's her, it's really her. I think to myself. Cora, the girl with the long auburn hair and green eyes, the girl from my dreams. I must see her again. I walk down the dark hall in search of my father. I find him in a testing room. I peek my head into the room before walking in. "

Father, I'd like to speak to you in the hallway, if you don't mind." I say looking at my father. He nods and begins to follow me out of the room.

"Can I ask you about one of your patients?" He nods and leads me out of the of the room.

"Fine. But hurry up, time is of the essence, I have a patient coming in soon."

"Does she have auburn hair by any chance?" I ask then bite my lip.

"Yes, she does, and she can have quite a temper." He says with a grunt.

"Is her name Cora?"

He gives me an odd look. "Yes, it is. How would you know that?" He asks.

He's testing on her. She's terrified of him. That's why she looked so fearful when I saw her in the hall. "Oh, I just saw her name when looking through some of the patients files." I say, the lie easily slipping off my tongue.

He smiles. "That's my boy." He says and walks back into the room.

When he shuts the door, I sigh. How could someone who I've known for the past 19 years of my life, be so abusive. I look at him one final time before he closes the door behind him. Is this the same man I knew my whole life? I think to myself? Or has my whole life been a lie?

TIME LAPSE: 15 min.
I run into the lab with only a few seconds to spare.

"You were nearly late." Says Smith

"Oh, what shall I do? Please have mercy on my poor poor soul." I mutter under my breath in a sarcastic tone.

He roles his eyes and calls someone in the room.
"This is my son, Miles. He will take over the facility soon, and you'll listen to him. Oh, and try not to speak to him in a sarcastic tone." He says with a glare before to open the door.

When Miles walks into the room, I feel as if someone has punched me in the stomach. This can't be the same person I encountered in the hall. It can't. But it is.

He looks around the room until his eyes finally rest on me. His face pales and he turns, about to speak to his father. But before he can say anything, Smith claps his hands together and walks towards me with a sly grin.

"Shall we begin?" Smith asks with a grin on his face, as if he's proud of what he's about to do.

"As if we had a choice." I mumble before walking towards the chair in the middle of the white room.

Smith walks up to me and slaps me hard across the cheek. "Don't be smart." He says before walking away.

My cheek throbs, and I walk over towards the chair.

"Today we will just run a few tests, but we'll be back to work tomorrow. And oh, try to behave, you wouldn't want to scare Miles, now would you?"

I nod nervously. Don't let him see your powers. Don't let him get to you, I tell myself. Smith will do anything to discover your powers.

I'm given a few drugs, and within a few minutes I'm tired, and my brain feels fuzzy, like I might pass out. Then, I feel a sharp pain shoot through my head. It only takes me a few seconds to realize what Smith is trying to do. He's trying to get to my head. I think before a shooting pain goes through my head.

"Father, I don't think you should be doing this." I hear Miles say with hesitation in his voice.

Another pain shoots through my head, when the worst pain I had ever felt before shot through my head. I let out a scream.

"Father!" Miles yells.

The last thin I remember is the sound of Mile's voice yelling at his father, and the sight of a single blue butterfly on my hand.

Smith turns at looks at me with a sly grin. He knows about my powers now. There's no going back. I'm no longer safe, but was I ever safe? I think to myself before the world arounds me turns black.
Ohhhhh cliff hanger.👆Oops.
I'll begin to write the third chapter tonight, but I can't say when it'll be up. Until then, see ya! 👋

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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