Chapter 8

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That Weekend
Arden's POV

"Thank y'all for the house warming. It really wasn't necessary though." I said as we began filling plates from the buffet that covered our kitchen counters.

"Nonsense. We're all so happy to have you both back home and I'm thrilled that you and Matt have agreed to come to work for me." Mr. Winston declared.

"I agree with Clark. Besides, you and Andrea desperately needed new kitchen towels." Mom tossed out.

"And new hand towels for your bathrooms." Mrs. Winston added.

"Thanks guys." Andrea said with a feigned grimace.

    Just then a knock sounded from the front door.

"Were y'all expecting someone else?" Mom asked.

"Not that-" Andrea started, but Matt cut her off.

"Yeah. I ran into Dylan last night at the grocery store and I offered an invitation. He and Arden have decided to try to make peace so I thought we would see how it went. I'll grab the door." Matt said.

    Trey stared daggers at his back as he left the room.

"It will be fine." I said as I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Hope I'm not too late. Got caught up with some stuff. I wasn't sure what to bring to a house warming party so I grabbed you two a gift card for Bed, Bath, & Beyond." Matt said as he handed the gift card to Andrea.

"You didn't have to bring anything, but thank you. We need some new oven mitts. Please fix a plate. It's buffet style." I said with what I hoped looked like a genuine smile.

    Dylan and Matt both shot me grateful smiles as Dylan began filling up a plate. Once he joined everyone at the table, Mr. Winston was the first to speak.

"So Dylan what are you up to these days?" Mr. Winston asked.

"I teach history over at the high school and coach football." Dylan replied.

"That's great. I'm sure it's nice being able to work with your friend. Trey is the physical therapist correct?" Mr. Winston continued.

"Yes sir. How are things going with your business?" Dylan questioned.

"Amazing son. We expanding into the oil business. Matt and Arden agreed to come to work for me, and they will be heading the expansion." He replied.

"Arden?" Dylan replied turning his gaze to me, "I thought your degree was in law?"

"Environmental law." I supplied.

"Arden is working on contracts and such at the moment, and once she passes the bar exam next month, Daddy and Matt will be moving forward with the acquisitions." Andrea continued.

"Wow. Impressive. Which firm are you working for?" Dylan prodded.

"Myself. I'll be operating independently, though Winston Enterprises will be my number one priority obviously." I replied.

"Dang. Very impressive. What about you Andrea? What are you up to now?" Dylan asked turning his attention to Andrea.

"I took a position at a gallery over in Jackson. In the spring I'll be teaching an art class at the college as well." She explained.

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