❥ 002 : entry test.

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"What do you mean there's a secret trainee? Did you lock them in a cage or something?" Zico joked, looking at Bang Sihyuk. "Yah, Of course not! I just couldn't mention her to the other trainees because it was technically supposed to be a surprise?..", "Their a she now? How many secrets do you keep Sihyuk," Rain joked along with Zico. "Aish .. oh! There she is!" Bang Sihyuk watched through the monitor.

The producers turned their heads to the screen, an unfamiliar girl trainee was in sight.

"I am so excited for you guys to meet her! She is really talented!" Bang Sihyuk exclaimed, clapping his hands and his eyes turned into crescents looking at the others for their reactions.

"This is Jo Chaewon, shes been training at bighit since early 2017."

"How old is she? She looks like a newborn baby" Rain cooed while Zico nodded.

"She was born on June 23rd, 2004. Shes Korean-Japanese. Shes a very well-known actress and also well-known in the company, actually. There weren't many girl trainees here so I asked Bangtan to take care of her since she was 13 internationally, 14 in Korea. They grew to like her, and she is very likeable. She's also been around since Tomorrow X Together ever since the first member joined the company." Bang Sihyuk explained like a proud dad and looking at her with fatherly eyes.

"Ah! Isn't she from Hotel Del Luna," Zico asked, his eyes still examining the girl's facial features.

"She is!"Bang Sihyuk exclaimed. "No wonder." Zico muttered.

The producers watched as Chaewon walked down the trail; She carefully stepped foot by foot, not wanting to make her first impression an embarrassing moment. "Woah- phew, that was close" Chaewon said in english after she almost slipped on a slippery rock. Meanwhile the producers were laughing at the clumsiness of the girl who was scratching their head out of embarrassment. "You saw nothing." Chaewon said, turning around looking for a camera to see if they saw that but she couldn't find one so she continued walking down the trail.

After that laughing session, they all calmed down, still laughing a bit. Rain's head suddenly filled with questions. "Wait .. isn't there supposed to be a girl version of this? So why is she here with 23 boys?"

"On my behalf, I did some searching for an extra trainee to join and let me be super honest with you. No matter how hard I tried to not bring her into this, I just had too. She's super talented to the fact that she shouldn't wait for her to show her talent. And if a girl does debut in a boy group, so be it." Bang Sihyuk explained as they watch the girl enter the huge building where her journey starts.

"WOAH! Its so big in here! I am going to get lost, what if they can't find me in here if I do get lost.. at least its a nice place to get lost in." Chaewon twirled around then shrugged at her last sentence.

"BangPD! Can you see me! Its so big here! You got a good eye boss!" Chaewon squealed, jumping around, you could only sense happiness from her.

The producers bursted into laughter after hearing the younger girl. "See what I mean? She has the potential of not just being an idol but a good friend too and that's also why we love her," Bang Sihyuk explained.

"Uh oh .. the door .. its right there. You got this, JoChae! Fighting- wait is my hair okay? Does my makeup look fine or did it smudge and now I look like a beast? Is my outfit good enough or is it too basic?" Chaewon was now in panic mode. This is where her life changes forever- too dramatic? Yep- but its still about to change just maybe not forever. She was confident in herself after she 'switched' her panic mode off. She even participated in producing some songs for Bangtan and Tomorrow x Together. She suspected the boys would see her and immediately want her to leave because she think they would think she wasn't good enough and how is a girl going to survive in an all boy survival show. She stopped in her tracks, straightening her hoodie, fixing her hair. After she was done. She took a deep breath before walking in.

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