~The School Supply Closet~

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She couldn't stop air humping. Her wife begged her to stop but she couldn't. It started as a joke that she made in science one day with a friend but now she can't stop. Every hump came with a moan. It was becoming increasingly difficult to conceal.
He was as submissive as they come. And impulsive as ever. Words would fly out of his mouth before they could even process what he was saying. Everyday was a battle between their throbbing pussy and his dignity.
Remi was genderfluid. Their gender was always changing, just like how she went from dom to sub to dom and back again. He never thought that he'd be one to air hump on accident, yet here he was, air humping every 30 steps because he was an immature teen and thought it was funny.

Grim never thought that he'd be here, at his locker, thinking about Remi. Every time he thought about Remi's hands around his throat and telling him to be quiet and listen, his knees went weak and they could feel him starting to get turned on. There was one problem though. Grim thought Remi was too much of a sub to fulfill his little sub dreams. Still, he wouldn't mind if Remi's lips were on his.

Slamming their locker door shut and making his way to his next class, Grim figured he stared enough at Remi. He didn't want her thinking that he was judging her. In fact he was doing quite the opposite of that. He was admiring them.

Remi watched as Grim walked away uncomfortably, cheeks dusted with pink. She was worried, so she walked up to Grim and lead him away into an empty hallway while asking if he was alright.

"What?... oh yeah I'm alright. I'm fine, no need to worry about me. Everything's a-okay," Grim sputtered out. Speaking quickly and trying to hide his blush at the sudden closeness and new environment with Remi.

"Oh okay... You sure though? You seemed quite uncomfortable earlier. Was is it that dickwad Eli? If it was I swear I'll kick him so hard he'll never be able to reproduce," Remi said through gritted teeth and balled fists. Her expression clearly ready to beat the bitch up.

"No! No no it wasn't him. Just having an off day. Thank you for the concern though momm-" his hands flew to his mouth, eyes wide. This wasn't happening, no no no. They did not just-

"Did you just call me mommy?" Smirking Remi continued, "I had no idea you had a mommy kink Grim. Go ahead say it again. I like the way it sounds coming from you." She was inches away from Grim's face at this point.

In a voice barely above a whisper, Grim said, "Air hump me mommy." And with that, they kissed. Remi humped Grim once or twice while they parted to breath, soon returning to each other's lips shortly after.

Panting, Remi spoke, "How'd you know about the air humping?"

"I've noticed everything about you. Quite frankly I'm obsessed with you."

They purred, "Really now? Well I like the sound of that, but I'd like it even more if you would be a good boy and beg for me."

Grim stood shocked. He blinked, dumbfounded. "T-touch me mommy. Please me, wreck me, anything. I just want you in any way. Turn me into a desperate whining mess for you. Please please pleaseee." This was not what he was expecting. Grim was so sure Remi was a sub from the persona he displayed. He was shocked to say the least, but greatly appreciative for it.

"Goood gooood. Now commere baby boy." Remi smiled. God, begging was so hot. Especially from Grim. She could feel herself getting wet already.

Sitting in Remi's lap, Grim could already tell he was gonna have the time of his life. Completely forgetting about the science class he was supposed to be at, they let themself start to grind on Remi's lap while they passionately connected lips. Begging in a whisper between kisses. Oh how they loved this.

It was too much for Remi to handle. He let Grim know what was about to happen while he ripped off their pants and licked up their cum. "That's it. Like a good boy does," Remi cooed. "That's right. Be a good boy for mommy."

"Yes mommy," he continued to lap up the juices.

Remi stroked and pet Grim's hair, praising them for all the good he was doing. After most of the cum was cleaned up, Grim barked. Remi slowly smiled, continuing her petting. "Mmmm yes be the good puppy you are for mommy. Gooood boyyyyy."

Suddenly the school alarm went off. There were screams and shouts coming from outside the door. Remi pulled her pants back on before the back wall of the closet blew open.

Grim, panicked and utterly embarrassed as what just happened began to sink in, jumped off the bridge the wall opened up to.

Right as he fell, Grim grabbed Remi's ankle and dragged them down with him. They slow-mo kissed in midair and realized in that moment that they were true love and did not want to die.

Before their demise, a unicorn flies in to catch the falling lovers. Unfortunately, no story has a happy ending. Grim fell off and died from the impact of the water.

Remi creamed in agony. Screaming as her cum flies everywhere and she watches the love of her life fall to her death. Never has liquid shot out of her at this force before.

Landing safely, Remi finds Grim's body. She mutters, "I may not be a medic but I might as well try."

Through desperate thrusts, finally... finally Grim coughs out water. Remi has brought Grim to life using cpr with her amazing humping skills.

Grim starts to ascend to the heavens but Remi latches onto her tits, sending them both towards hell. The power and force of Grim ascending and Remi descending becomes so much that they explode into a ball of light. Flesh and gore snowflakes erupt out of the Earth and the entirety of North America is stained dark red with these two star-crossed lovers's blood.

They become god.


A/N: To clear things up because looking back I'm realizing how confusing this is, Remi uses she/they/he but I have no idea why it just flew all over the place
Grim uses he/they so that's that but it probably doesn't clear things up though uh anyways
Thanks for reading this fic that was a joking conversation a friend and I had that I decided to turn into a fic, per their request lmao
Anyways thank you and I'm sorry you had to read this monstrosity.

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