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Sahl ibn Sa'd reported: The Angel Gabriel came to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and he said, "O Muhammad, live as you wish, for you will die. Work as you wish, for you will be repaid accordingly. Love whomever you wish, for you will be separated. Know that the nobility of the believer is in prayer at night and his honor is in his independence of the people." (Al-Muʻjam al-Awsaṭ 4410

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July, 2021.

Abuja, Nigeria

"Ammah, you can't accept it"

Ammah flickered her gaze up, letting it rest on her mother that stood pacing in her bedroom. She held back the littlest urge to scoff at those words. Her usual, stoic expression not faltering one bit. She understood what her mother meant, but she still had something she wanted to ask. "Why can't I?"

She didn't want the position. She never did, and probably will never but that doesn't mean she likes being told what to do. Sure enough, her mother is the one asking her to do so, but isn't this the part her mother encourages her to go for it? Then why is she doing the opposite.

Maimunatu stopped, turning her whole body around to stare at her only child. She sighed, shaking her head, "You just can't, Ammah. That position rightfully belongs to your sister--"

"—who is dead" Ammah cut her off before she could go further.

She could never understand what's up with her family and dwelling on things that no longer matter. Why can't they just let go of the past like everyone else and move on?

Maimunatu's eyes widened slightly, as if she couldn't believe the girl just said that. "Don't say that!" She scolded.

Ammah flickered her gaze to her mother, her emotionless expression meeting that of her mother's worried one. One glance at Ammah and anyone could tell that she really couldn't care about anyone or anything for that matter.

Even while speaking about the position that would change her life, she doesn't seem bothered one bit. If anything, she looked like she couldn't care less.

She has always been like that.

"Why?" Ammah asked, her voice soft, calm, and composed as usual. Hardly anyone ever hear her raise her voice, no matter what the situation is. "Isn't she?" She rose a brow.


Ammah sucked in a deep breath, flickering her eyes closed and lips curled in slightly. She didn't think of the possibility of him being there. She could hear the anger in his voice, it was evident from the tone and name he used to address her.

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