Relaxing in the Bathtub

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Author's POV

Opening the door they both dragged their tired bodies in the bedroom. Plopping on their bed they both let a releaving sigh as their bodies finally melted on the comfortable sheets of the bed.
'How was your day love?' Jungkook asked his lover while rubbing his forhead 'Tiring as always, how about you?' She asked him back 'Exhausting as hell, my headache is killing aswell' he said closing his eyes again before shifting to a new position. Hearing that Y/n looked at him with pure sadness in her eyes. Throwing her tirendess aside she got up from the bed quitly and went to the kitchen to get him medicine for his headache and also preparing both of them some light snacks begoee going back to him.
Entering the bedroom once again Jungkook's eyes fell in her form 'Why did you get up?' 'Here I brough you your medicine' she said offering him a glass of water and a pill 'Thank you honey, but you didn't have to you're tired aswell' he said sitting up slowly before gulping down the pill 'I am but that doesn't matter much to me' she said before going to the bathroom.
As their big bathtub was filling with warm water she poured in shampoo(idk what they're called lol)   and other things. After everything was prepared delicatly she walked inside their shared bedroom meeting her boyfriend who at the time was in deep sleep. Smiling at him she went towards him before sitting at the edge of the bed. She runned her small fingers through his soft hair, caressing him softly like a delicate procelane doll fearing that it was gonna break at anytime. Bringing her face closer to his she placed her soft plumpy lips on his skin planting small kissed all over his face in attempt to wake him up. And she succeded. His eyes opened slowly before his numb body streched out 'Let's take a bath, shall we cutie?' She asked in a low voice. Receiving a small nod from him she helped him get up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom.
Once they got inside they were met by the sweet sence of flowers. Closing his eyes Jungkook inhaled slowly enjoying the warmth of the atmosphiere that surrownded them. Opining his eyes again sat near the filled bathtub 'You really made all of this?' He asked her, as his eyes where already filled with diomond tears 'Are you crying?' She asked him cutelly while caressing his cheeks her soft small hands 'I really don't know what I would do without you' he said before hugging me tightly in his warm embrace.
'Come on get inside before the water cools down' she said pulling out of his arms 'What do you mean by 'get inside' won't you company me?' He said frowning cutely 'you want me to stay?' She teased him 'Isn't it obvious?' He said before sitting up and removing his shirt 'Come on' he said gesturing you to remove your clothes aswell.

Getting inside the bathtub you sat at down as Jungkook rested his back on your chest as his head was placed on your shoulder. You placed your hands on his naked shoulder massaging it softly receiving a low satisfied groan from him, smiling at yourself you continued massaging his shoulders and neck, feeling his body more lelaxed you stopped and wrapped your arms around his small waist caressing his tummy but stopped once you felt his hands being wrapped around your smalls ones, he held them gently as his thumb caressed your soft skin.
'Thank you for today' he confessed as his eyes where closed 'You where tired yourself but still took care of me, thank you baby' he thanked you before turing his head and placing a soft kiss on your neck. 'I hope you feel better now' you asked him while pepering the side of his forhead with small pecks 'I feel better' he sighed 'much much better' he said before letting his body melt against yours as you held him tightly in your embrance.

'Koo' a gentle voice was heard in the room 'baby wake up' she said again gently shaking his tired form 'hmm' he moaned still in his sleep 'Come on let's get you to bed' she said pecking his soft cheeks causing him to wake up from his light slumper. She gave him his clothes and went out of the bathroom to give him privacy. Once he was done he got under the covers of their shared bed as his lover took him in her arms hugging him tightly before drifting to their dreamland.

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