Jv vs Varsity Surprise (Charlie Conway)

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Today was the Jv vs Varsity hockey game and my boyfriend Charlie, was super exited for me to watch him play as the team captain once again. But, I told him I was busy and that I had to hang out with my brother all day. Ofc he was upset that I couldn't watch his game but little does he know that I am 😈

The game started around 5:30 and it was already 5:15, so I decided to get dressed in my dorm room and head down to the game. I arrive at the rink and see tons of people in the stands already. I turn to my left and see Ms. Conway (Casey). I sit next to her because I knew that Charlie wouldn't look at his mom in the stands, he only does when he's nervous but that hasn't happened since pee wee's.
"Y/n! Hey sweetie! I thought you couldn't make it to the game!?" Casey questions.
"Well, I actually wanted to surprise Charlie!" I explain.

"That's a wonderful idea!" The buzzer goes off and interrupts Casey. "Ooh, the games starting" She points to the ice while both teams get in their position. I see Charlie playing forward but not starting the face off. The game starts and Jv loses the puck. We start another face off and Charlie is starting it. I cheer for him in my head as he wins the face off. It's kinda hard not to cheer for my boyfriend because I'm his like personal cheerleader. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarter pass in a blur. The score is still 0-0. At the very end of the last quarter, Charlie has the puck and has time to shoot but passes back to Goldberg who scores right when the game ends. I couldn't help but scream my lungs out and run down to the ice to congratulate my boyfriend. I walk up to him and he doesn't notice me. He's probably looking at the new school name that Bombay made. The Eden Hall ducks. I take of his helmet and kiss him on the cheek. He turns around and smiles in shock.

"Nice playing Spazway" I smile.
"I thought you couldn't make it?"He asks me while smiling.
"I know, I lied" I giggle.
"So..since you lied, your gonna have to make it up to me" he smirks.
I pull Charlie closer to me and put my lips onto his. The kiss was soft and passionate and lasted for a moment. We both pulled away.
"I love you" Charlie says cutely.
"I love you too Captain" I tell him.
He kisses me one more time and says "Let's get out of here" he puts his helmet on my head and holds my hand leading me out of the doors.

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