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Lena Goode awoke in the middle of the night with a pounding headache. Her head was pounding and it was as if she couldn't control her own movements. Suddenly, she found herself in the kitchen. Her thoughts were clouded over and it was hard to tell what exactly was going on right then. She marched up the stairs, realizing she clutched a knife tightly in her right hand. What scared her more than the knife was that she was left handed.

Lena bolted upright in her bed in a cold sweat. She ran a hand through her damp hand with a sigh. She'd been having the same dream for over a month. She'd get up, unable to control her own actions, and get a kitchen knife. She'd always head toward her parents' room, but wake up before she actually entered it. Despite the fact that she never finished the dream, she knew how it ended. She knew in the end she killed her parents. She hadn't told anyone, but she heard a voice. Everyday, almost constantly, telling her to do it, telling her to murder her parents. She tried so incredibly hard to ignore them, but sometimes she just had the strongest urge to bash her mother's skull in with a frying pan, or whack her father with the chair he'd just gotten out of. It concerned her more than anything, but she contained it. She knew her parents would want to get her the best medical help available, but she also knew they could afford no such thing.

One day, she'd finally had enough. She'd had enough of the awful thoughts, and voices telling her to do such terrible things. She planned on ending all of the trouble, but she found herself drawn to the woods behind her house. There, the voice screamed in her head saying "catch 'em, kill 'em! Bash their skulls, stomp their hearts!" Lena let out an almost animalistic screan , and threw herself into a fast moving river. Then, all was black.

Lena awoke in an unfamiliar room with a scortching pain in her throat and chest. It was as if she was burning from the inside out. The pain subsided when a tall, faceless creature entered the room where she laid. The face, although featureless, seemed gentle.

"Hello, child" he spoke softly. Ena recognised it as the voice that had been taunting her for ages, and screamed.

"No, no, no!" She shouted. The figure held up his hands quickly and shook his great white head.

"Don't worry, child! I wont haunt you any longer! Although, I do wish you would have accepted my offer." The figure contemplated. Lena struggled to remain conscious with the shock bombarding her.

"Wh-what offer?" She asked shakily. The man chuckled eerily. Lena only stared at him.

"Well the offer to be my proxy of course!" He exclaimed as if it was obvious. "Didn't you hear my calls? If you would have acted upon the dreams I sent you, you could have been a part of my proxy. You could have roomed with the others, Masky, Hoody and To by. Although, Tony may have been a bit of a problem... He's a little odd, you see, he-"

"I c-can hear you, Slender!" A voice called as the door burst open to reveal a boy with brown hair that hung over his goggles and a guard that went over his mouth. The man, Slender, turned toward the open door and sighed.

"Calm yourself, child. You'll startle our new guest." He said, expanding what seemed to be a tentical toward the boy. "Now hurry off" with that, he pushed the boy into the hall and shut the door. He turned back to Lena

"Who's Toby?" Lena asked quietly. Slender dismissed her question.

"Come now, child. Let me show you around."

An: Hiiii! Comment what you think so far please please! It'd mean the world to me! My fave comment will get a dedication (:

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