Chapter 8 - Reliving

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"Shit!" Steve swore as the call went dead.

"Tony, get your men we need to get back to the hospital. I need all the help I can get."
Steve growled as Tony looked at him with concern.

"What's going on?" Tony asked, he could see how angry Steve was.

"He fucking found her."

"Help!" You screamed as loud as you could as your father smiled and came closer to you.

"My little puppet, you didn't think daddy would leave you here all alone did you?" He said as you screamed as loud as you could.
Dr. Ray came in as you looked at her with hope.

"Thank you for your service Doctor Ray." Your father said handing her a wad of money.

"No." You whispered as she looked at you.

"You really did make a lot of progress dear, but you belong with your father." She said before leaving, she had probably told your father everything from your session.

"I don't want to, I don't want to." You whispered as you closed your eyes and began to sob.

"Shh baby girl." Your father said as he came closer and ran his hand over your cheek. You pushed him back causing him to fall over, you quickly ran for the door and looked up to see blood and bodies everywhere.

"S-Steve." You whispered, someone grabbed you as you screamed.

"Let me go!" You screamed struggling in the persons grip. You broke free and grabbed his gun shooting him in the chest as you backed away. You saw your father coming towards you as you pointed the gun at him.

"You won't do that baby girl, you wouldn't want to hurt me would you?" He said as you cocked the gun and glared at him.

"Don't you want me to be happy puppet?" He asked as images of what he had done flashed through your mind.
You pulled the trigger and shot him in the ribs as you cried and fell to the floor sobbing.
You father gasped and fell down grabbing his wound as he fell onto his back and looked at you.

"Help me darling, please. You have to help me." He said as you covered your ears and sobbed.

"Y/N!" You heard someone shout as you looked up to see Steve and Tony running in with his men. You stood up and Steve ran up and hugged you tightly.

"S-Steve." You whispered wrapped your arms around him as you cried softly.

"Y-You bastard." He heard a voice say as he looked down to see your father dying.

"Look away angel." Steve growled as you hid your face on his chest, you heard a gunshot and gripped onto Steve even tighter.

"He's gone, he's truly gone angel." Steve whispered as he ran his fingers through your hair.

"Come on, we'll grab your stuff then I'm taking you out of the city. I have a house in the country, you'll be safer there." Steve said pulling away and leading you back to your hospital room where he grabbed all of your things. He looked behind to see you standing still with wide unblinking eyes.
He knew you were in shock.

"It's okay angel, I'm taking you home. I'll get my men to get all the things you want from the apartment to take to the house. You'll be staying there for awhile, with me." Steve said holding onto your hand as you nodded a little.

"Steve come on, we gotta get out of here before the police show up." Tony said entering the room as Steve nodded and pulled you out of the room.

"I have a car out the back of the hospital, I'll take her out of the city." Steve said making Tony nod.

"I'll make sure you get out of here without anyone noticing."

You were in the car on the way to Steve's house outside of the city. Steve was driving and he had his hand on your thigh trying to make sure you knew he was there.

"Talk to me angel." He whispered as you looked up at him, you held onto his hand tightly making him smile.

"I'm here." You muttered as Steve continued to drive still holding onto your hand.

"You'll love it out here doll, maybe we can get a dog to have around the house. Make sure you're never lonely." Steve said making you smile a little.

"I-I would really like that." You whispered as Steve returned your smile.

You continued driving for another hour before you reached outside of the city onto the country roads. Steve continued driving until he reached a narrow dirt road that lead to an enormous white mansion covered in green vines.

"Wow, when you said a house I thought of a one story brick home. I should've known better." You muttered making Steve chuckle lightly.

"Not many people know about this, you'll be perfectly safe out here angel. I think I'll ask Bruce if he can help you with therapy, I trust that man with my life I know he can help." Steve said driving through the large gates as you nodded.

"All I want to do is cuddle up and watch tv." You muttered making Steve smile, he stopped the car outside of the entrance.

"That's all we will do then angel." Steve said getting out of the car and coming around to open your door for you.
He helped you out of the car and you made your way into the mansion. You looked around in amazement seeing a large gold and white staircase in the middle of the room that led to upstairs.

"Come on angel, come take a shower then we can cuddle up in my bed and watch tv." Steve said holding onto your hand leading you upstairs.

"You can just wear one of my t-shirts until we get your clothes here." Steve said as you nodded and followed him into a massive modern looking bedroom.

"The bathroom is just in there angel, I'll grab you a t-shirt to use then we can get comfortable in bed." Steve said as you nodded and headed into the bathroom closing the door behind you.

After a relaxing shower you threw on the shirt Steve had given you and your underwear before heading back out into the room to see Steve had changed into pj's and was laying on the bed.
He smiled seeing you in his big shirt as you shuffled over to the bed.

"Come lay down doll." He said pulling the covers back so you could get under them.
Once you were laying in bed you cuddled into Steve and he turned Netflix on for you both.

After an hour you had fallen asleep on Steve as he looked down at you and smiled.

"I'm so sorry angel." He whispered kissing your forehead. He pulled out his phone and looked at the news seeing he city was in disarray after the events at the hospital. All the blame had fallen onto your father so Steve was happy he wouldn't have to bribe any journalists.

You woke up seeing sun streaming into the room as you looked around in confusion. You looked over to see the clock that said 7am. The door opened and Steve walked in still in his pj's.

"What happened?" You muttered as he smiled and sat on the side of the bed.
"You fell asleep yesterday afternoon and I decided to let you sleep, your mind and body would've been so exhausted.

"I-I killed him didn't I?" You whispered making Steve look at you sadly.

"No, you protected yourself. I killed him." He said holding your face in his hand gently as you nodded.
You began to cry as Steve pulled you into him and held you tightly.

"It's okay angel, just let it all out." He whispered rubbing your back gently as you sobbed.

"You're safe now, he's never going to hurt you again. I truly mean that. I love you so much Y/N." He whispered pulling away to kiss your forehead.
You couldn't even get enough words together to try and say anything in return to him, but Steve didn't mind.

"Shh doll, you don't need to say anything. Just let it all out." He whispered as you nodded and continued to sob feeling Steve's strong arms around your keeping you safe.

"I'm right here, I'm never leaving again."

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