Chapter 1:All the art of livin lies ina fine minglin of lettin go & holding On

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Laurel and I had gone to the old hospital in Star City to track down Damien Darhk. We needed to find him before he for filled his plan of killing everything and everyone in Starling City and then the world.

Laurel- Y/N we need to be careful. Darhk may not be alone here. His a tricky sod.

Y/N- Yeah my mom's told me about him and of Ollies and the Ledgends pervious run ins with him. He sounds like a really nasty peice of work!!

Just as I had finished my sentence, a noice from the distance caught my attention and stopped me dead in my tracks.

Y/N-Laurel stop!!! There's something or someone up a head. I tried to use my xray vision. But with the hospital been so old some of the paint used in it was lead based. Which meant I couldn't see through them. Shit!!!!

Y/N- Great, I can't see through some of the walls Laurel. They were painted with lead paint.

Laurel - Ok, we will take it slow & go by your superhearing.

I nod and start to lead the way. I can still hear the faint notice in the distance. We follow it until we come to a massive room that looked like it was an old filing room.

Y/N- I can't hear it anymore. Whoever or what ever has to be in here somewhere.

Laurel- Right let's split up and cover more ground.

Y/N- I really don't like this idea Laurel. Can we not just stay together!?!

Laurel- It will be OK. We'll get more ground covered and we can go home and cuddle in front of the TV.

She says smiling at me before she leans in and captures my lips with hers. I relax a little bit and smile at her as we break our kiss.

Y/N- You always know the way to calm me down.

Laurel laughs that sweet and pure laugh that drew me to her in the first place. I'll never get tired of hearing it. I agree to splitting up to search the building.

Laurel heard for the right of the room while I take the left. I just keep greeting this unsettling feeling of something jot been right. I try to push it to the side of my mind for now. I try to us my xrayvision for a far as I can. There's nothing in front of me, but rows and rows of filing cabinets. I keep going forward trying to scan along the way. Over comms I can hear Laurel.

Laurel-Ollie, so far there's no sign of Darhk.

Ollie- OK Laurel. Just be careful & stay in contact.

Y/N- Laurel, this dosent feel right.

Laurel- I'm starting to think the same......
Before Laurel can finish what she was going to say her comms goes dead. I speed over to were I last knew where she was.

Y/N- Laurel!!! Where are you?? Just then Darhk steps out from the darkness holding Laurel in front of him. With a knife to her throat.

Darhk- Ah Y/N nice to finally meet you. I had a feeling The Canary would be here with her Girl of Steel!!

Y/N-Let her go!! Or I will hurt you worse then you can ever imagine Darhk!! My eyes start to glow blue from my heatvision. As I go to step forward Laurel shouts at me.

Laurel- Don't Y/N!! The knife!! It's not a normal knife. It's made out of kryptonite!!

Darhk laughs and unsheets the knife from its shield. As soon as he does it starts to glow neon green, and I can feel its effects start to wash over me.

Darhk- it was my hopes and plans that it would have been your mother Supergirl. But you'll do just as good!!

I fall on my knees, feeling myself get weaker and weaker with each passing second. Through my greeted teeth I say:

Y/N- Let Laurel go!! You have me were you want me. She is of no use to you now.

Darhk laughs again.

Laurel- No Y/N! I'm not letting him hurt you!! With that Laurel uses her ultrasonic scream(Canary Cry). Darhk let's her go to cover his ears. Laurel runs to me as I finally fall to the ground. She picks me up and tried to help me get to the exit.

Laurel- hold on to me baby. We're getting out of here. Just as we are almost there Darhk uses his powers and appears in front of us.

Darhk-Not so fast my pretty little birdies!! Just as he says that he lunges forward towards me with the knife.

Laurel pushes me to the ground and jumps in front of me. Darhk plunges the knife deep into Laurel's chest! I start to scream in disbelief! Darhk laughs once again and says

Darhk-That's not what I had planned!! But it still works!!

Y/N- I'm going to kill you Darhk.

I'm still to weak from the kryptonite, even though it's plunged deep into Laurel. I try to get to my feet to get him, when I hear Laurel say..

Laurel- Don't Y/N!! He might have more kryptonite on him.

Darhk- Oh I'd listen to that little birdie of yours. Especially seen as how what she is saying my be her very last. With that and an even more bone chilling evil laugh Darhk disappears.

Y/N- Ollie!! Can you hear me!?! Laurel stay with me. PLEASE!!! Just look at me! Keep your eyes on me babe. I pick Laurel up and hold her to me. She looks longingly into my eyes and smiles.

Laurel- I was hoping to we'd be home cuddling. She says with a little laugh.

Y/N-Laurel please just hold on. And we can cuddle and kiss as much as you want, Once your safe and back home!!

Just as I finish my sentence I hear Ollie speak over comms.

Ollie-Y/N what's going on? I can't reach Laurel!

Y/N- Darhk had a kryptonite knife and was using her to get to me. She jumped in front of me and Darhk stabbed her in the chest with the knife!! I can't move her Ollie!! I'm still to weak from the kryptonite. Please get here fast. PLEASEEEE!! I sobbed.

Ollie- Holy Shit. I'm on my way. Keep her a wake and talking.

Y/N- I'm trying. Just get here quick!! It's really bad. Laurel place a hand on my face. I look down at her. She's smiling her beautiful smile that always gives me butterflies.

Laurel- I love you so much Y/N!! Thank you for the passed 2 years. I've never been so happy has I have been with you!!

Y/N- Hey hey don't talk like that!! Everything is going to be fine. Ollie is on his way. You just have to hold on for me please Laurel! Please don't leave me!!

Still smiling and looking at me longingly with her amazing crystal blue eyes I always get lost in, she reaches up and captures my lips with hers. Kissing me passionately and hungryly. I can hear her heart start to get slower and slower with each agonising second. I break our kiss looking down at her.

Y/N- Don't you dare leave me Laurel!! Your my world!! I can't do this without you!! Do you hear me!? I love you!! Please babe stay with me!!

Laurel- It's OK! I'll always always be with You! I love you too.

With that Laurel closes her eyes & goes limp in my arms.

Y/N- No no no Laurel. No!! You can't be gone babe.

I just scream and pull her in closer to me crying into her neck as I hold her and just let myself break down. I'd just lost my love, my world, my soul and best friend. This just could be real or happening. It just couldn't be!!!

Author's note: this is my very very first pov. I'm hoping it's good and that as I go along the story will be good and that yous like it. I've always want to do one and was inspired by my very good friend WomenofMarvel_. I have to give her credit for getting me to finally write it. Well enjoy! Sorry for any spelling errors.

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