Chapter 5: Expect The Unexpected.

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Mia and I are out walking, enjoying the atmosphere, sights and sounds when I hear something with my superhearing. It sounded like a cry for help. I stop dead in my tracks and listen again.

Mia- What's wrong?

Y/N-I hear someone shouting for help.

Mia- What do we do?

Y/N- Do you have your suite in your back pack?

Mia- Yeah of course.

Y/N- Right let's get changed and I'll fly us over to were the cry is coming from.

Mia- Let's do this.

We go into an abandoned alleyway and get into our suites. I fly us over to were the cries were coming from. It was a building with Oscorp on the front of it. I land on the group placing Mia beside me. Mia could hear the shouts now too.

Y/N- OK let's see what's happening.

Avengers POV:

Tony- Hydra are attacking Oscorp Labs. They seem to be after something.

Nat- So what are we doing just sitting around here! Let's go kick some ass!

Steve- We need to come up with a plan first.

Wanda- Let's do it while we are on the quinjet. They all get up and run towards the jet.

Y/N- I'm going to use my xray vision and see what's what.

Mia- Good idea. At least then we will know some what we're going to be up against.

I use my xray vision to see inside. When I do on the 3rd floor of the building I can see men with guns and people huddled on the ground. I can hear the men shout about some power cells and a key card. I turn to Mia to tell her what I've found out.

Y/N- OK so there seem to be 15 to 20 armed men!? They have at least 7 hostages. They seem to be after some sort of power cell and key card.

Mia- Do we stick around or do we head in?

I can hear a weird noise and turn around to see a jet. It has 4 people. 2 men and 2 women. When they get closer they stare at myself and Mia.

Y/N- I think we may have just ran into the Avengers.

Mia- Holy crap!

Avenger POV: 

Steve- Who the hell are they!?

Tony- I've never seen them before!

Nat- The girl in blue and red seems to have a symbol on the front of her suite. Which I've never come across before.

Wanda- Well let's go down, see what's happening and stop Hydra.

They all disembark from the jet and make their way over to Mia and I. Tony comes over first, quickly followed by Nat, Steve and Wanda.

Tony- Hi I'm Tony, this in Nat, Steve and Wanda. The others smile and nod at us.

Y/N- I'm Y/N and this is Mia. Mia says hi and does an awkward wave.

Steve- What are yous doing here?

Y/N- I heard cries for help with my super hearing and myself and my ear came here. I've used my x-ray vision and there seems to be 15 to 20 are men and about 7 hostages!

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