Infiltration is a Success

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"Yn you're gonna be late," I hear my brother call from outside my door in his usual raspy voice. He's not my actual brother, nor are we related by blood.

"I'm coming I'm coming," I say pulling on the rest of my uniform. Today was going to be my first day infiltrating the ranks of UA High. I walk outside to see my brother getting increasingly impatient. 

"Yn, I need today to be a success," says the blue haired man outside. The many severed hands he has are already scattered across his body.

"I'm off," I say attempting to avoid any more lectures that could delay me. I'm already late enough as it is. 

"Good luck yn," a man shrouded in purple mist tells me, "and never forget you are a villain now." 

As if I could forget that, "Yeah, yeah, I know," I reply heading out the door of our hideout, "Bye Shigaraki."

"Get some useful intel for once," my adopted brother says back. 

"I don't even get a bye or have a nice day," I fake pout at him as I close the door behind me. I know he doesn't mean to be cruel, he just doesn't know how to be nice. I don't blame him though. Everyone has their own story and reasons for their actions. Some end up as villains and others as heroes. I'm no different. It's already been a year since I came to live with Shigaraki and Kurogiri in the League of Villains Headquarters. They were the first people to reach out after my parents died.

Now, I get to begin my first day at UA high, actually being useful to them. Fun right? I hope so. I am a villain now, but I used to have this stupid dream of becoming a great hero. I doubt I'll ever go back to that after what happened, but I might as well have some fun pretending, at least for a little while.

"Hi," a girl with short, brown hair knocks me back into the reality of being at school, "I'm Ochako Uraraka. We're in the same class right? Can we walk together, I'm kinda nervous"

Time to get into the hero lifestyle. "Yn," I smile at the girl I just met.

"I hope we can be friends yn," she gushes back. Friend. I haven't heard that word in awhile. Villains don't talk about friends. I let out a small laugh.

"What's so funny?" the girl questions.

"Nothing," I smile, "I'd love to be friends! I haven't had one of those in over a year."

"Great!" she exclaims, unfazed by my comment, "I'm in 1-A. That's your class too, right?"

"Yep," I smile as I walk with a girl that I barely know, and yet, call friend. I wonder what the rest of the League would think of this. Me. a villain, making friends at a school made for training heroes. Although, I guess I am training to be a hero now too so I should try and play the role.

"Hey," she suddenly exclaims, "I recognize that messed up hair! Falling Boy!"

"Falling boy," I laugh, what a way to be known on your first day of high school, "a friend?"

Thinking of friends reminds me of the last friend I had tried to make years ago. Well, I guess I succeeded, but I wasn't there for him when it really counted. That sucked. I wish I could say sorry. 

"You could say that," Ochako rips me out of my memories.

I scan the rest of the students and gasp when I see a familiar face. I blink a few times to make sure I'm not still stuck in my memories. I'm not. I run up to the boy in the back of the classroom with two different colors in his hair and a scar over his eye. I would recognize him anywhere.

"Hey Todoroki!" I smile walking over to my former friend, "remember me?"

"Ln-san right?" he remembers my name, "We went to the same middle school for two years."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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